What Is FDO Provider for Raster?


What Is FDO Provider for Raster?

The Feature Data Objects (FDO) API provides access to data in a data store. A provider is a specific implementation of the FDO API that provides access to data in a particular data store. The Autodesk FDO Provider for Raster is a stand-alone file format that supports GIS data.

The FDO Provider for Raster has the following characteristics:

  • The FDO Provider for Raster supports georeferenced file-based raster images and file-based grid coverages. Raster images are pixel-based images, such as digital photographs (satellite images, for example). Raster images are very useful as background images underneath your vector data, for example, an aerial photograph of a city with a layer of streets overlaying it.
  • The FDO Provider for Raster can run in a multi-platform environment, including Windows and Linux.

Supported Formats

The following list shows the raster image file formats that are supported, along with their acronyms and file extensions:

  • JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg) - Joint Photographic Experts Group
  • JPG2K (.jp2, .j2k) - Joint Photographic Experts Group
  • MrSID (.sid) - Multi-Resolution Seamless Image Database
  • PNG (.png) - Portable Network Graphic
  • TIFF (.tif, .tiff) - Tagged Image File Format
  • DEM (.dem) - USGS Format Digital Elevation Model
  • ECW (.ecw) - Enhanced Compressed Wavelet
  • DTED (.dt0, .dt1, dt2) - Digital Terrain Elevation Data
  • ESRI ASCII GRID (.asc) - ESRI Surface
  • ESRI Binary GRID (.adf) - ESRI Surface

Supported Data Models

The following are the data models supported:

ModelType BitsPerPixel Organization DataType
Bitonal 1 Pixel Unsigned Integer
Grey 8 Pixel Unsigned Integer
RGB 24 Pixel Unsigned Integer
RGBA 32 Pixel Unsigned Integer
Pallete 8 Pixel Unsigned Integer
Data 1 Pixel Unsigned Integer
Data 8 Pixel Unsigned Integer
Data 8 Pixel Signed Integer
Data 16 Pixel Unsigned Integer
Data 16 Pixel Signed Integer
Data 32 Pixel Unsigned Integer
Data 32 Pixel Signed Integer
Data 32 Pixel Float
NoteOnly DEM, TIFF, and ECW images support the ‘Data’ ModelType.
NoteAll 2- and 4-BitsPerPixel images are promoted to 8 BitsPerPixel as per the underlying ATIL behavior.

For more information, see The Essential FDO (FET_TheEssentialFDO.pdf) and the Autodesk FDO Provider for Raster API Reference Help (Raster_Provider_API.chm).