DexelaDetector API: DexelaDetectorGE Class Reference

Dexela API

DexelaDetectorGE Class Reference

This class is used to control GigE Type Detectors. It will give access to functions that are not available to other interface-type detectors.
Note: For all standard detector function calls please see the DexelaDetector class (these functions are also available to DexelaDetectorGE objects) More...

#include <DexelaDetectorGE.h>

Inheritance diagram for DexelaDetectorGE:

Public Member Functions

 DexelaDetectorGE (DevInfo &devInfo)
 Constructor for DexelaDetectorGE. Identical to the DexelaDetector constructor, except with an additional check for the correct (GIGE) interface.
Note: A
DexelaExceptionis thrown if the interface of the DevInfo object is not correct (i.e. GIGE)
 DexelaDetectorGE (DetectorInterface transport, int unit, const char *params)
 Constructor for DexelaDetectorGE. This version assumes you know the interface and the correct parameters to connect to the detector. More...
virtual ~DexelaDetectorGE (void)
 Destructor for DexelaDetectorGE. More...
void SetPersistentIPAddress (int firstByte, int secondByte, int thirdByte, int fourthByte)
 Function for setting a new persistent IP address for the detector. After power-cycling the detector it should come up with the desired IP address More...
void OpenBoard ()
 Identical to the OpenBoard call. The only difference is a check to make sure the detector has the correct (GIGE) interface. More...
void OpenBoard (int NumBufs)
 Identical to the OpenBoard call. The only difference is a check to make sure the detector has the correct (GIGE) interface. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DexelaDetector
 DexelaDetector (DevInfo &devInfo)
 Constructor for DexelaDetector. This version uses the DevInfo struct returned from a GetDevice, GetDeviceGE or GetDeviceCL call. More...
 DexelaDetector (DetectorInterface transport, int unit, const char *params)
 Constructor for DexelaDetector. This version assumes you know the interface and the correct parameters to connect to the detector. More...
virtual ~DexelaDetector (void)
 Destructor for DexelaDetector. More...
void OpenBoard (int NumBufs)
 Opens the connection to the detector and sets the number of buffers to use/allocate. Every open should be matched with a close to free resources. More...
void CloseBoard ()
 Closes the connection to the detector. More...
int GetBufferXdim (void)
 Get the x dimension of the transport buffer (in bytes) More...
int GetBufferYdim (void)
 Get the y dimension of the transport buffer (in pixels) More...
int GetNumBuffers (void)
 Get the number of internal buffers that are currently allocated for the detector. More...
int GetCapturedBuffer (void)
 Gets the number of the buffer just captured. This can be used to determine which buffer to read-out. More...
int GetFieldCount (void)
 Gets the number of fields(frames) captured so far. More...
void ReadBuffer (int bufNum, byte *buffer)
 Reads the specified transport buffer into the passed in buffer (byte*).
Note: GetCapturedBuffer can be used to get the number of the lastest buffer to be filled. More...
void ReadBuffer (int bufNum, DexImage &img, int iZ=0)
 Reads the specified transport buffer into the passed in DexImage object at the passed in plane.
Note: GetCapturedBuffer can be used to get the number of the lastest buffer to be filled. More...
void WriteBuffer (int bufNum, byte *buffer)
 Writes data to the specified transport buffer. More...
void SetFullWellMode (FullWellModes fwm)
 Sets the full well mode parameter of the detector. More...
void SetExposureMode (ExposureModes mode)
 Sets the ExposureMode parameter of the detector More...
void SetExposureTime (float timems)
 Sets the exposure time parameter of the detector More...
void SetBinningMode (bins flag)
 Sets the binning mode of the detector. More...
void SetTestMode (BOOL SetTestOn)
 Enables/disables test mode. The detector will output a generated test pattern if this mode is turned on. More...
void SetTriggerSource (ExposureTriggerSource ets)
 Sets the trigger source setting on the detector More...
void SetNumOfExposures (int num)
 Sets the number of exposures to acquire after a trigger. This is only relevant in Sequence_Exposure and Frame_Rate_exposure modes of operation. More...
int GetNumOfExposures ()
 Gets the number of exposures setting from the detector. This is only relevant in Sequence_Exposure and Frame_Rate_exposure modes of operation. More...
void SetGapTime (float timems)
 Sets the gap-time setting of the detector. When run in Frame_Rate_exposure mode the detector will insert this gap period between consecutive frames in an image sequence.
Note: The minimum time for the gap-time setting is the current readout-time for the detector. Attempting to write anything smaller to the detector will result in a gap-time equal to the readout-time. More...
float GetGapTime ()
 Gets the current gap-time setting of the detector. When run in Frame_Rate_exposure mode the detector will insert this gap period between consecutive frames in an image sequence.
Note: The minimum time for the gap-time setting is the current readout-time for the detector. Attempting to write anything smaller to the detector will result in a gap-time equal to the readout-time. More...
bool IsConnected ()
 Check to see if the connection to the detector is open (i.e. OpenBoard) More...
ExposureModes GetExposureMode ()
 Gets the ExposureMode parameter of the detector. More...
float GetExposureTime ()
 Gets the exposure time parameter of the detector (ms). More...
DetStatus GetDetectorStatus ()
 Returns the current settings of the detector in the form of a DetStatus object. More...
ExposureTriggerSource GetTriggerSource ()
 Gets the current trigger source setting from the detector More...
BOOL GetTestMode ()
 Gets the current state of the detector test mode (on/off) More...
FullWellModes GetFullWellMode ()
 Gets the current detector well-mode. More...
bins GetBinningMode ()
 Gets the current state of the detector binning mode More...
int GetSerialNumber ()
 Gets the detector serial number. More...
int GetModelNumber ()
 Gets the detector model number. More...
int GetFirmwareVersion ()
 Gets the detector firmware version number. More...
void GetFirmwareBuild (int &iDayAndMonth, int &iYear, int &iTime)
 Gets the detector firmware build date.
Note: This feature may not be supported on older detectors More...
DetectorInterface GetTransportMethod ()
 Returns the communication method (i.e. interface) for the detector object. More...
double GetReadOutTime ()
 This method will return the read-out time of the detector (in ms) for it's current binning mode. More...
bool IsCallbackActive ()
 This method will inform the user if the callback mode (i.e. background thread) is currently active. More...
bool IsLive ()
 This method will inform the user if detector is currently in Live mode. More...
void Snap (int buffer, int timeout)
 Snaps an image into the specified buffer.
Note: If the detector trigger source is set to Internal_Software, this call will automatically trigger the detector. More...
int ReadRegister (int address, int sensorNum=1)
 Reads the specified register from the detector. The sensor number corresponds to the desired sensor from which to read the register. The SensorNumber will default to 1 (master-sensor) if not specified otherwise by the user. More...
void WriteRegister (int address, int value, int sensorNum=0)
 Writes the value to the specified register from the detector. The sensor number corresponds to the desired sensor to which the value will be written. The SensorNumber will default to 0 (broadcast to all sensors) if not specified otherwise by the user. More...
void ClearCameraBuffer (int i)
 Clears (i.e. zero-out) the specified camera buffer. More...
void ClearBuffers ()
 Clears all the camera buffers More...
void LoadSensorConfigFile (char *filename)
 Loads the sensor configuration file into the detector. This file will write values to the ADC offset registers for each sensor in the detector. More...
void SoftReset (void)
 Cycles the power on the detector More...
void GoLiveSeq (int start, int stop, int numBuf)
 Sets the host computer up to be ready to recieve images into the specified buffer range. More...
void GoLiveSeq ()
 Sets the host computer up to be ready to recieve images. This call will use all available buffers in a circular fashion (i.e. ring-buffer). More...
void GoUnLive ()
 Exits live mode. The host computer will no longer be ready to recieve transmitted images. More...
void SoftwareTrigger ()
 Sends a trigger to the detector (will only work if the trigger source is set to Internal_Software) More...
void EnablePulseGenerator (float frequency)
 This function will enable the pulse generator software trigger signal. In this mode the software trigger can be continuously sent to the detector at the desired frequency.
Note: In order to use this mode the trigger source should be set to Internal_Software
Note2: To actually enable the pulse train you must call ToggleGenerator. A SoftwareTrigger call will not work when in this mode. More...
void EnablePulseGenerator ()
 This function is identical to EnablePulseGenerator, except that the frequency of the pulse train is set automatically. The frequency will be set such as to ensure continuous image acquisition for the current detector/binning mode.
Note: In order to use this mode the trigger source should be set to Internal_Software
Note2: To actually enable the pulse train you must call ToggleGenerator. A SoftwareTrigger call will not work when in this mode. More...
void DisablePulseGenerator ()
 This function will disable Pulse Generator mode. After calling this you should be able to use the SoftwareTrigger call. More...
void ToggleGenerator (BOOL onOff)
 This function will control the pulse train.
Note: In order to use this mode the pulse generator must be enabled. See EnablePulseGenerator. More...
void WaitImage (int timeout)
 This function will wait for the specified amount of time for an image to arrive.
Note: If the image arrives before then it will return as soon as it does (i.e. it won't wait for the duration of the timeout period). If the image does not arrive in the specified time a DexelaException will be thrown. More...
void SetCallback (IMAGE_CALLBACK func)
 Sets the user defined callback funtction to be called for every image arrival event. More...
void StopCallback ()
 This function will terminate the callback loop (i.e. will wait for all spawned threads to finish exectuing). More...
void CheckForCallbackError ()
 This function will check to see if any errors have occurred in the background thread that is running when using callbacks. This thread is activated after a call to SetCallback and terminated with a call to StopCallback. If no error has occurred this method will just return. if an error has occurred a DexelaException will be thrown. More...
void CheckForLiveError ()
 This function will check to see if any errors have occurred in the background thread that is running when using live-mode. This thread is activated after a call to GoLiveSeq and terminated with a call to GoUnLive. If no error has occurred this method will just return. if an error has occurred a DexelaException will be thrown. More...
void SetPreProgrammedExposureTimes (int numExposures, float *exposuretimes_ms)
 This method will set the exposure times for pre-programmed exposure mode. More...
void SetROICoordinates (unsigned short usStartColumn, unsigned short usStartRow, unsigned short usROIWidth, unsigned short usROIHeight)
 This method set the coordinates of the ROI when detector runs in ROI mode.
usStartColumnSensor column to start the ROI read out from.
usStartRowSensor width to start the ROI read out from.
usROIWidthWidth (number of columns) of the ROI.
usROIHeightHeight (number of columns) of the ROI.

void GetROICoordinates (unsigned short &usStartColumn, unsigned short &usStartRow, unsigned short &usROIWidth, unsigned short &usROIHeight)
 This method retrieves the coordinates of the region of interest (ROI) set within the detector. More...
void EnableROIMode (bool bEnableROI)
 This method activates or deactivates the ROI mode of the detector. More...
bool GetROIState ()
 This method retrieves the enabled state of the region of interest of the detector. More...
unsigned short GetSensorHeight (unsigned short uiSensorID=1)
 Gets the height of the sensor in pixels. More...
unsigned short GetSensorWidth (unsigned short uiSensorID=1)
 Gets the width of the sensor in pixels. More...
bool IsFrameCntWithinImage ()
 Checks if framecounter is displayed within the image data (being the 2nd pixel). More...
void EnableFrameCntWithinImage (unsigned short usEnable)
 Enables displaying the framecounter in the image (being the 2nd pixel). More...
void SetSlowed (bool flag)
 This method can specify to the api that the detector being used is a slowed-down detector (e.g. mammo detector). This should not be necessary as the API should be able to determine most of the time whether the firmwarwe version is a slowed down one. However, for certain older detectors/firmwares this may not be possible. In this case this method can be used to inform the library that the firmware is slowed down and it will use the correct read-out times. More...
void SetReadoutMode (ReadoutModes mode)
 Sets the ReadoutMode parameter of the detector More...
ReadoutModes GetReadoutMode ()
 Gets the ReadoutModes parameter of the detector. More...
int QueryReadoutMode (ReadoutModes mode)
 Query the detector to see if the desired readout mode is present (i.e. available).
Note: Older detectors may not support the querying of features. In this case a value of -1 will be returned indicating that it is uknown whether the feature is present. In this case it is possible that the feature is present but that the detector is unable to report so. It may still be possible to use the feature in this case but no guarantees can be made on whether or not it will work. More...
int QueryExposureMode (ExposureModes mode)
 Query the detector to see if the desired exposure mode is present (i.e. available).
Note: Older detectors may not support the querying of features. In this case a value of -1 will be returned indicating that it is uknown whether the feature is present. In this case it is possible that the feature is present but that the detector is unable to report so. It may still be possible to use the feature in this case but no guarantees can be made on whether or not it will work. More...
int QueryTriggerSource (ExposureTriggerSource ets)
 Query the detector to see if the desired trigger source is present (i.e. available).
Note: Older detectors may not support the querying of features. In this case a value of -1 will be returned indicating that it is uknown whether the feature is present. In this case it is possible that the feature is present but that the detector is unable to report so. It may still be possible to use the feature in this case but no guarantees can be made on whether or not it will work. More...
int QueryFullWellMode (FullWellModes fwm)
 Query the detector to see if the desired full-well mode is present (i.e. available).
Note: Older detectors may not support the querying of features. In this case a value of -1 will be returned indicating that it is uknown whether the feature is present. In this case it is possible that the feature is present but that the detector is unable to report so. It may still be possible to use the feature in this case but no guarantees can be made on whether or not it will work. More...
int QueryBinningMode (bins flag)
 Query the detector to see if the desired binning mode is present (i.e. available).
Note: Older detectors may not support the querying of features. In this case a value of -1 will be returned indicating that it is uknown whether the feature is present. In this case it is possible that the feature is present but that the detector is unable to report so. It may still be possible to use the feature in this case but no guarantees can be made on whether or not it will work. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from DexelaDetector
boost::shared_ptr< baseDetector > base
boost::shared_ptr< gigEDetector > gigeDet
< camLinkDetector > 

Detailed Description

This class is used to control GigE Type Detectors. It will give access to functions that are not available to other interface-type detectors.
Note: For all standard detector function calls please see the DexelaDetector class (these functions are also available to DexelaDetectorGE objects)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DexelaDetectorGE::DexelaDetectorGE ( DevInfo devInfo)

Constructor for DexelaDetectorGE. Identical to the DexelaDetector constructor, except with an additional check for the correct (GIGE) interface.
Note: A

DexelaExceptionis thrown if the interface of the DevInfo object is not correct (i.e. GIGE)
devInfoThe DevInfo object for the desired detector. This can be obtained from the GetDeviceGE method
DexelaDetectorGE::DexelaDetectorGE ( DetectorInterface  transport,
int  unit,
const char *  params 

Constructor for DexelaDetectorGE. This version assumes you know the interface and the correct parameters to connect to the detector.

transportThe DetectorInterface for the detector (i.e. GIGE)
unitFor GIGE detectors this can be set to 0
paramsThe parameter string for connection to the detector. For GIGE detectors this should be the detector IP address.
DexelaDetectorGE::~DexelaDetectorGE ( void  )

Destructor for DexelaDetectorGE.

Member Function Documentation

void DexelaDetectorGE::OpenBoard ( )

Identical to the OpenBoard call. The only difference is a check to make sure the detector has the correct (GIGE) interface.


Reimplemented from DexelaDetector.

void DexelaDetectorGE::OpenBoard ( int  NumBufs)

Identical to the OpenBoard call. The only difference is a check to make sure the detector has the correct (GIGE) interface.

NumBufsNumber of buffers to use/allocate
void DexelaDetectorGE::SetPersistentIPAddress ( int  firstByte,
int  secondByte,
int  thirdByte,
int  fourthByte 

Function for setting a new persistent IP address for the detector. After power-cycling the detector it should come up with the desired IP address

firstByteThe first byte of the desired IP address (e.g. 169 for the address
secondByteThe second byte of the desired IP address (e.g. 254 for the address
thirdByteThe third byte of the desired IP address (e.g. 70 for the address
fourthByteThe fourth byte of the desired IP address (e.g. 3 for the address

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Generated on Tue Nov 25 2014 10:22:45 for DexelaDetector API by   doxygen 1.8.7