InstallState Enumeration

Microsoft Deployment Compression & Installer

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Deployment Tools Foundation InstallState Enumeration
Deployment Tools Foundation NamespacesMicrosoft.Deployment.WindowsInstallerInstallState
Installed state of a Component or Feature.
Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic Visual C++
public enum InstallState
Public Enumeration InstallState
public enum class InstallState
Member Description
NotUsed The component is disabled.
BadConfig The installation configuration data is corrupt.
Incomplete The installation is suspended or in progress.
SourceAbsent Component is set to run from source, but source is unavailable.
MoreData The buffer overflow is returned.
InvalidArgument An invalid parameter was passed to the function.
Unknown An unrecognized product or feature name was passed to the function.
Broken The component is broken.
Advertised The feature is advertised.
Removed The component is being removed. In action state and not settable.
Absent The component is not installed, or action state is absent but clients remain.
Local The component is installed on the local drive.
Source The component will run from the source, CD, or network.
Default The component will be installed in the default location: local or source.

Assembly: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller (Module: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll) Version: (3.9.1006.0)