Deployment Tools Foundation
Item Property (table)
Deployment Tools Foundation Namespaces ► Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller ► TableCollection ► Item[([( String])])
Gets information about a given table.

C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ |
public TableInfo this[ string table ] { get; }
Public ReadOnly Default Property Item ( table As String ) As TableInfo Get
public: property TableInfo^ default[String^ table] { TableInfo^ get (String^ table); }

- table (String)
- case-sensitive name of the table

information about the requested table, or null if the table does not exist in the database
information about the requested table, or null if the table does not exist in the database
Assembly: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller (Module: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll) Version: (3.9.1006.0)