GetRelatedProducts Method (upgradeCode)

Microsoft Deployment Compression & Installer

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Deployment Tools Foundation GetRelatedProducts Method (upgradeCode)
Deployment Tools Foundation NamespacesMicrosoft.Deployment.WindowsInstallerProductInstallationGetRelatedProducts(String)
Gets the set of all products with a specified upgrade code. This method lists the currently installed and advertised products that have the specified UpgradeCode property in their Property table.
Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic Visual C++
public static IEnumerable<ProductInstallation> GetRelatedProducts(
	string upgradeCode
Public Shared Function GetRelatedProducts ( 
	upgradeCode As String
) As IEnumerable(Of ProductInstallation)
static IEnumerable<ProductInstallation^>^ GetRelatedProducts(
	String^ upgradeCode
upgradeCode (String)
Upgrade code of related products
Return Value
IEnumerable<(Of <(<'ProductInstallation>)>)>
Enumeration of product codes

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumRelatedProducts

Assembly: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller (Module: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll) Version: (3.9.1006.0)