InstallUIOptions Enumeration


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Deployment Tools Foundation InstallUIOptions Enumeration
Deployment Tools Foundation NamespacesMicrosoft.Deployment.WindowsInstallerInstallUIOptions
Level of the installation user interface, specified with SetInternalUI(InstallUIOptions).
Declaration Syntax
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public enum InstallUIOptions
Public Enumeration InstallUIOptions
public enum class InstallUIOptions
type InstallUIOptions
Member Description
NoChange Does not change UI level.
Default Uses Default UI level.
Silent Silent installation.
Basic Simple progress and error handling.
Reduced Authored UI, wizard dialogs suppressed.
Full Authored UI with wizards, progress, and errors.
HideCancel When combined with the Basic value, the installer does not display the cancel button in the progress dialog.
ProgressOnly When combined with the Basic value, the installer displays progress dialog boxes but does not display any modal dialog boxes or error dialog boxes.
EndDialog When combined with another value, the installer displays a modal dialog box at the end of a successful installation or if there has been an error. No dialog box is displayed if the user cancels.
SourceResolutionOnly Forces display of the source resolution dialog even if the UI is otherwise silent.
UacOnly [MSI 5.0] Forces display of the UAC dialog even if the UI is otherwise silent.

Assembly: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller (Module: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll) Version: (