InstallMessage Enumeration


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Deployment Tools Foundation InstallMessage Enumeration
Deployment Tools Foundation NamespacesMicrosoft.Deployment.WindowsInstallerInstallMessage
Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic Visual C++ F#
public enum InstallMessage
Public Enumeration InstallMessage
public enum class InstallMessage
type InstallMessage
Member Description
FatalExit Premature termination, possibly fatal OOM.
Error Formatted error message.
Warning Formatted warning message.
User User request message.
Info Informative message for log.
FilesInUse List of files in use that need to be replaced.
ResolveSource Request to determine a valid source location.
OutOfDiskSpace Insufficient disk space message.
ActionStart Start of action: action name & description.
ActionData Formatted data associated with individual action item.
Progress Progress gauge info: units so far, total.
CommonData Product info for dialog: language Id, dialog caption.
Initialize Sent prior to UI initialization, no string data.
Terminate Sent after UI termination, no string data.
ShowDialog Sent prior to display or authored dialog or wizard.
RMFilesInUse [MSI 4.0] List of apps that the user can request Restart Manager to shut down and restart.
InstallStart [MSI 4.5] Sent prior to install of a product.
InstallEnd [MSI 4.5] Sent after install of a product.

Assembly: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller (Module: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll) Version: (