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Deployment Tools Foundation
UpdateFiles Method
Deployment Tools Foundation Namespaces ► Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.Package ► InstallPackage ► UpdateFiles()()()()
Updates the install package with new files from the WorkingDirectory. The
files must be in the relative directory matching their SourcePath.
This method re-compresses and packages the files if necessary, and also updates the
following data: File.FileSize, File.Version, File.Language, MsiFileHash.HashPart*
C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ | F# |
public void UpdateFiles()
Public Sub UpdateFiles
public: void UpdateFiles()
member UpdateFiles : unit -> unit
The cabinet compression level used during re-cabbing can be configured with the
CompressionLevel property.
Assembly: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.Package (Module: Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.Package.dll) Version: (