dhtmlxconnector:grid_data_export [DHX documentation]

PHP Connector DHTMLX

Data export


External grid-to-pdf and grid-to-excel services allow to convert grid's data to PDF or Excel format directly on server-side: from any table without actually rendering data in the grid. Shortly, you should perform the following steps:

data preparation

  • data to export is defined by render_table() or render_sql() method.
  • to define grid structure (header, footer etc.) on server-side, see chapter ''.

activation conversion service

  • pdf
    $convert = new ConvertService("http://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/devExchange/samples/grid2pdf_02/server/generate.php");
  • excel
    $convert = new ConvertService("http://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/devExchange/samples/grid2excel_02/server/generate.php");

start exporting

  • pdf
  • excel


    • (optional) name of result file. The default value - data.pdf (data.xls)
    • (optional) the second parameter specifies how file will be exported:
      • true - as inline content ( if browser has related plugin - document will be opened automatically)
      • false - as individual file.
        The default value - false.

Service automatically start to export data defined through GridConnector.


  • pdf

    //url to data conversion service
    $convert = new ConvertService("http://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/devExchange/samples/grid2pdf_02/server/generate.php");
    $convert->pdf(); //equal to calling pdf("data.pdf", false)
    $grid = new GridConnector($res);
    $grid->set_config(new GridConfiguration());	//mandatory 
    $grid->render_table("grid50");		//table name and optional list of fields
  • Excel

    //url to data conversion service
    $convert = new ConvertService("http://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/devExchange/samples/grid2excel_02/server/generate.php");
    $convert->excel(); //equal to calling excel("data.xls", false)
    $grid = new GridConnector($res);
    $grid->set_config(new GridConfiguration()); //mandatory 
    $grid->render_table("grid50"); 	       //table name and optional list of fields

useful tips

  • In case of dynamic Smart Rendering you can't use export from client-side and need to define header's data on server-side. See details here.
    • in order to the render_sql method works correctly, you should use full header initialization ( not empty GridConfiguration() call). Otherwise, the component will try to fetch grid's structure directly from DB that is unallowable for the render_sql method.