Delphi ASIO & VST Package: DVSTEffect: packed record TVstParameterProperties

Delphi ASIO & VST

packed record TVstParameterProperties





type TVstParameterProperties = packed record





StepFloat: Single;
SmallStepFloat: Single;
LargeStepFloat: Single;
Caption: array[0..63] of Char;
Flags: TVstParameterPropertiesFlags;
MinInteger: LongInt;
MaxInteger: LongInt;
StepInteger: LongInt;
LargeStepInteger: LongInt;
ShortLabel: array[0..7] of Char;
DisplayIndex: SmallInt;
Category: SmallInt;
numParametersInCategory: SmallInt;
Reserved: SmallInt;
CategoryLabel: array[0..23] of Char;
Future: array[0..15] of Char;



StepFloat: Single;
SmallStepFloat: Single;
LargeStepFloat: Single;
Caption: array[0..63] of Char;
Flags: TVstParameterPropertiesFlags;
MinInteger: LongInt;
MaxInteger: LongInt;
StepInteger: LongInt;
LargeStepInteger: LongInt;
ShortLabel: array[0..7] of Char;
DisplayIndex: SmallInt;

recommended: 6 + delimiter the following are for remote controller display purposes. note that the kVstParameterSupportsDisplayIndex flag must be set. host can scan all parameters, and find out in what order to display them:

Category: SmallInt;

for remote controllers, the index where this parameter should be displayed (starting with 0) host can also possibly display the parameter group (category), such as ————————— Osc 1 Wave Detune Octave Mod ————————— if the plug supports it (flag kVstParameterSupportsDisplayCategory)

numParametersInCategory: SmallInt;

0: no category, else group index + 1

Reserved: SmallInt;
CategoryLabel: array[0..23] of Char;
Future: array[0..15] of Char;

for instance, "Osc 1"

Generated by PasDoc 0.10.0 on 2007-11-13 13:04:19