Delphi ASIO & VST Package: DVSTCustomModule: Class TCustomVSTModule

Delphi ASIO & VST

Class TCustomVSTModule





type TCustomVSTModule = class(TBasicVSTModule)


no description available, TBasicVSTModule description follows

-$DEFINE Debug




Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure EditorPostUpdate; virtual;
Public procedure HostCallDispatchEffect(opcode : TDispatcherOpcode; Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single); override;
Public procedure HostCallProcess(const Inputs, Outputs: PPSingle; const SampleFrames: Integer); override;
Public procedure HostCallProcessReplacing(const Inputs, Outputs: PPSingle; const SampleFrames: Integer); override;
Public procedure HostCallProcessDoubleReplacing(const Inputs, Outputs: PPDouble; const SampleFrames: Integer); override;
Public function HostCallOpen (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallClose (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetVu (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetSampleRate (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetBlockSize (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallMainsChanged (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditGetRect (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditOpen (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditClose (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditIdle (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditTop (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditSleep (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallProcessEvents (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallConnectInput (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallConnectOutput (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetInputProperties (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetOutputProperties (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetPlugCategory (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallOfflineNotify (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallOfflinePrepare (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallOfflineRun (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallProcessVarIo (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetBlockSizeAndSampleRate (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetBypass (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetEffectName (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetVendorString (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetProductString (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetVendorVersion (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallVendorSpecific (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallCanDo (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetTailSize (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallKeysRequired (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetVstVersion (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditKeyDown (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditKeyUp (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetEditKnobMode (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetSpeakerArrangement (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallShellGetNextPlugin (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallStartProcess (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallStopProcess (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetTotalSampleToProcess (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetPanLaw (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetProcessPrecision (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function UpdateSampleRate: Double; override;
Public function UpdateBlockSize: Integer; override;


Public property EditorForm: TForm read FEditorForm;
Public property EditorNeedUpdate: Boolean read FEditorNeedUpdate write FEditorNeedUpdate;
Public property Flags: TEffFlags read GetPluginFlags write SetPluginFlags;
Public property SampleRate: Single read fSampleRate write SetSampleRate;
Public property numInputs: Integer read FEffect.numInputs write SetNumInputs default 2;
Public property numOutputs: Integer read FEffect.numOutputs write SetNumOutputs default 2;
Public property InitialDelay: Integer read FEffect.initialDelay write SetInitialDelay default 0;
Public property RealQualities: Integer read FEffect.realQualities write FEffect.realQualities default 0;
Public property OffQualities: Integer read FEffect.offQualities write FEffect.offQualities default 0;
Public property IORatio: Integer read FEffect.ioRatio write FEffect.ioRatio default 1;
Public property About: string read FAbout write ReadOnlyString stored False;
Public property Version: string read FVersion write FVersion;
Public property UniqueID: string read GetUniqueID write setUniqueID;
Public property numCategories: Integer read fNumCategories write fNumCategories default 1;
Public property EffectName: string read FEffectName write SetEffectName;
Public property ProductName: string read fProductName write fProductName;
Public property VendorName: string read fVendorName write fVendorName;
Public property VersionMajor: Integer read FVersionMajor write SetVersionMajor default 1;
Public property VersionMinor: Integer read FVersionMinor write SetVersionMinor default 0;
Public property VersionRelease: Integer read FVersionRelease write SetVersionRelease default 0;
Public property PlugCategory: TVstPluginCategory read fPlugCategory write fPlugCategory default vpcUnknown;
Public property ProcessPrecisition: TProcessPrecision read FProcessPrecisition write FProcessPrecisition default pp32;
Public property KeysRequired: Boolean read FKeysRequired write SetKeysRequired default False;
Public property Tempo: Single read fTempo;
Public property ShellPlugins: TCustomVstShellPlugins read FVstShellPlugins write SetVstShellPlugins;
Public property TailSize: Integer read FTailSize write FTailSize default 0;
Public property CanDos: TVstCanDos read fCanDos write fCanDos;
Public property HostProduct: string read GetHostProduct stored false;
Public property HostVendor: string read GetHostVendor stored false;
Public property HostVersion: Integer read GetHostVendorVersion stored false;
Public property OnBlockSizeChange: TBlockSizeChangeEvent read fBlockSizeChangeEvent write fBlockSizeChangeEvent;
Public property OnOpen: TNotifyEvent read FOnOpen write FOnOpen;
Public property OnClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnClose write FOnClose;
Public property OnResume: TNotifyEvent read FOnResume write FOnResume;
Public property OnSuspend: TNotifyEvent read FOnSuspend write FOnSuspend;
Public property OnEditOpen: TGetEditorEvent read FOnEditOpen write FOnEditOpen;
Public property OnEditClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditClose write FOnEditClose;
Public property OnEditIdle: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditIdle write FOnEditIdle;
Public property OnEditTop: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditTop write FOnEditTop;
Public property OnEditSleep: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditSleep write FOnEditSleep;
Public property OnSampleRateChange: TSampleRateChangeEvent read fSampleRateChangeEvent write fSampleRateChangeEvent;
Public property OnGetVU: TGetVUEvent read FOnGetVUEvent write FOnGetVUEvent;
Public property OnInitialize: TNotifyEvent read FOnInitialize write FOnInitialize;
Public property OnDispatcher: TOnDispatcherEvent read FOnDispatcher write FOnDispatcher;
Public property OnSoftBypass: TSoftBypassEvent read FOnSoftBypass write FOnSoftBypass;
Public property OnInConnected: TInOutConnectedEvent read FOnInConnected write FOnInConnected;
Public property OnOutConnected: TInOutConnectedEvent read FOnOutConnected write FOnOutConnected;
Public property OnStartProcess: TNotifyEvent read FOnStartProcess write FOnStartProcess;
Public property OnStopProcess: TNotifyEvent read FOnStopProcess write FOnStopProcess;
Public property OnEditorKeyUp: TVSTKeyEvent read FOnKeyUp write FOnKeyUp;
Public property OnEditorKeyDown: TVSTKeyEvent read FOnKeyDown write FOnKeyDown;
Public property OnEditorKnobMode: TSetKnobModeEvent read FOnSetKnobMode write FOnSetKnobMode;
Public property OnOfflineNotify: TOfflineNotifyEvent read FOnOfflineNotify write FOnOfflineNotify;
Public property OnOfflinePrepare: TOfflinePrepareEvent read FOnOfflinePrepare write FOnOfflinePrepare;
Public property OnOfflineRun: TOfflineRunEvent read FOnOfflineRun write FOnOfflineRun;
Public property OnProcessVarIO: TProcessVarIOEvent read FOnProcessVarIO write FOnProcessVarIO;
Public property OnSetPanLaw: TOnSetPanLawEvent read FOnSetPanLaw write FOnSetPanLaw;
Public property OnVendorSpecific: TOnVendorSpecificEvent read FOnVendorSpecific write FOnVendorSpecific;
Public property OnCanDo: TOnCanDoEvent read FOnCanDo write FOnCanDo;
Public property OnCheckKey: TOnCheckKey read FOnCheckKey write FOnCheckKey;
Public property OnInputProperties: TOnGetChannelPropertiesEvent read FOnGetInputProperties write FOnGetInputProperties;
Public property OnOutputProperties: TOnGetChannelPropertiesEvent read FOnGetOutputProperties write FOnGetOutputProperties;
Public property OnProcess: TProcessAudioEvent read FOnProcessEx write FOnProcessEx;
Public property OnProcessReplacing: TProcessAudioEvent read FOnProcessReplacingEx write FOnProcessReplacingEx;
Public property OnProcessDoubleReplacing: TProcessDoubleEvent read FOnProcessDoublesEx write FOnProcessDoublesEx;



Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;

"to" is deleted, then created and initialized with the same Values as "from" ones ("from" must exist).

Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure EditorPostUpdate; virtual;
Public procedure HostCallDispatchEffect(opcode : TDispatcherOpcode; Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single); override;
Public procedure HostCallProcess(const Inputs, Outputs: PPSingle; const SampleFrames: Integer); override;
Public procedure HostCallProcessReplacing(const Inputs, Outputs: PPSingle; const SampleFrames: Integer); override;
Public procedure HostCallProcessDoubleReplacing(const Inputs, Outputs: PPDouble; const SampleFrames: Integer); override;
Public function HostCallOpen (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallClose (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetVu (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetSampleRate (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetBlockSize (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallMainsChanged (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditGetRect (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditOpen (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditClose (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditIdle (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditTop (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditSleep (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallProcessEvents (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallConnectInput (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallConnectOutput (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetInputProperties (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetOutputProperties (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetPlugCategory (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallOfflineNotify (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallOfflinePrepare (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallOfflineRun (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallProcessVarIo (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetBlockSizeAndSampleRate (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetBypass (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetEffectName (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetVendorString (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetProductString (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetVendorVersion (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallVendorSpecific (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallCanDo (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetTailSize (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallKeysRequired (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetVstVersion (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditKeyDown (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallEditKeyUp (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetEditKnobMode (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallGetSpeakerArrangement (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallShellGetNextPlugin (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallStartProcess (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallStopProcess (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetTotalSampleToProcess (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetPanLaw (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function HostCallSetProcessPrecision (Index, Value: Integer; ptr: pointer; opt: Single): Integer; override;
Public function UpdateSampleRate: Double; override;
Public function UpdateBlockSize: Integer; override;


Public property EditorForm: TForm read FEditorForm;


Public property EditorNeedUpdate: Boolean read FEditorNeedUpdate write FEditorNeedUpdate;
Public property Flags: TEffFlags read GetPluginFlags write SetPluginFlags;
Public property SampleRate: Single read fSampleRate write SetSampleRate;
Public property numInputs: Integer read FEffect.numInputs write SetNumInputs default 2;
Public property numOutputs: Integer read FEffect.numOutputs write SetNumOutputs default 2;
Public property InitialDelay: Integer read FEffect.initialDelay write SetInitialDelay default 0;
Public property RealQualities: Integer read FEffect.realQualities write FEffect.realQualities default 0;
Public property OffQualities: Integer read FEffect.offQualities write FEffect.offQualities default 0;
Public property IORatio: Integer read FEffect.ioRatio write FEffect.ioRatio default 1;
Public property About: string read FAbout write ReadOnlyString stored False;
Public property Version: string read FVersion write FVersion;
Public property UniqueID: string read GetUniqueID write setUniqueID;
Public property numCategories: Integer read fNumCategories write fNumCategories default 1;
Public property EffectName: string read FEffectName write SetEffectName;
Public property ProductName: string read fProductName write fProductName;
Public property VendorName: string read fVendorName write fVendorName;
Public property VersionMajor: Integer read FVersionMajor write SetVersionMajor default 1;
Public property VersionMinor: Integer read FVersionMinor write SetVersionMinor default 0;
Public property VersionRelease: Integer read FVersionRelease write SetVersionRelease default 0;
Public property PlugCategory: TVstPluginCategory read fPlugCategory write fPlugCategory default vpcUnknown;
Public property ProcessPrecisition: TProcessPrecision read FProcessPrecisition write FProcessPrecisition default pp32;
Public property KeysRequired: Boolean read FKeysRequired write SetKeysRequired default False;
Public property Tempo: Single read fTempo;
Public property ShellPlugins: TCustomVstShellPlugins read FVstShellPlugins write SetVstShellPlugins;
Public property TailSize: Integer read FTailSize write FTailSize default 0;
Public property CanDos: TVstCanDos read fCanDos write fCanDos;
Public property HostProduct: string read GetHostProduct stored false;
Public property HostVendor: string read GetHostVendor stored false;
Public property HostVersion: Integer read GetHostVendorVersion stored false;
Public property OnBlockSizeChange: TBlockSizeChangeEvent read fBlockSizeChangeEvent write fBlockSizeChangeEvent;
Public property OnOpen: TNotifyEvent read FOnOpen write FOnOpen;
Public property OnClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnClose write FOnClose;
Public property OnResume: TNotifyEvent read FOnResume write FOnResume;
Public property OnSuspend: TNotifyEvent read FOnSuspend write FOnSuspend;
Public property OnEditOpen: TGetEditorEvent read FOnEditOpen write FOnEditOpen;
Public property OnEditClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditClose write FOnEditClose;
Public property OnEditIdle: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditIdle write FOnEditIdle;
Public property OnEditTop: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditTop write FOnEditTop;
Public property OnEditSleep: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditSleep write FOnEditSleep;
Public property OnSampleRateChange: TSampleRateChangeEvent read fSampleRateChangeEvent write fSampleRateChangeEvent;
Public property OnGetVU: TGetVUEvent read FOnGetVUEvent write FOnGetVUEvent;
Public property OnInitialize: TNotifyEvent read FOnInitialize write FOnInitialize;
Public property OnDispatcher: TOnDispatcherEvent read FOnDispatcher write FOnDispatcher;
Public property OnSoftBypass: TSoftBypassEvent read FOnSoftBypass write FOnSoftBypass;
Public property OnInConnected: TInOutConnectedEvent read FOnInConnected write FOnInConnected;
Public property OnOutConnected: TInOutConnectedEvent read FOnOutConnected write FOnOutConnected;
Public property OnStartProcess: TNotifyEvent read FOnStartProcess write FOnStartProcess;
Public property OnStopProcess: TNotifyEvent read FOnStopProcess write FOnStopProcess;
Public property OnEditorKeyUp: TVSTKeyEvent read FOnKeyUp write FOnKeyUp;
Public property OnEditorKeyDown: TVSTKeyEvent read FOnKeyDown write FOnKeyDown;
Public property OnEditorKnobMode: TSetKnobModeEvent read FOnSetKnobMode write FOnSetKnobMode;
Public property OnOfflineNotify: TOfflineNotifyEvent read FOnOfflineNotify write FOnOfflineNotify;
Public property OnOfflinePrepare: TOfflinePrepareEvent read FOnOfflinePrepare write FOnOfflinePrepare;
Public property OnOfflineRun: TOfflineRunEvent read FOnOfflineRun write FOnOfflineRun;
Public property OnProcessVarIO: TProcessVarIOEvent read FOnProcessVarIO write FOnProcessVarIO;
Public property OnSetPanLaw: TOnSetPanLawEvent read FOnSetPanLaw write FOnSetPanLaw;
Public property OnVendorSpecific: TOnVendorSpecificEvent read FOnVendorSpecific write FOnVendorSpecific;
Public property OnCanDo: TOnCanDoEvent read FOnCanDo write FOnCanDo;
Public property OnCheckKey: TOnCheckKey read FOnCheckKey write FOnCheckKey;
Public property OnInputProperties: TOnGetChannelPropertiesEvent read FOnGetInputProperties write FOnGetInputProperties;
Public property OnOutputProperties: TOnGetChannelPropertiesEvent read FOnGetOutputProperties write FOnGetOutputProperties;
Public property OnProcess: TProcessAudioEvent read FOnProcessEx write FOnProcessEx;
Public property OnProcessReplacing: TProcessAudioEvent read FOnProcessReplacingEx write FOnProcessReplacingEx;
Public property OnProcessDoubleReplacing: TProcessDoubleEvent read FOnProcessDoublesEx write FOnProcessDoublesEx;

Generated by PasDoc 0.10.0 on 2007-11-13 13:04:19