Delphi ASIO & VST Package: DVSTEffect: packed record TVstAudioFile

Delphi ASIO & VST

packed record TVstAudioFile





type TVstAudioFile = packed record





Flags: TVstAudioFileFlags;
HostOwned: Pointer;
PlugOwned: Pointer;
Name: array[0..99] of char;
UniqueId: LongInt;
SampleRate: Double;
NumChannels: LongInt;
NumFrames: Double;
Format: LongInt;
EditCursorPosition: Double;
SelectionStart: Double;
SelectionSize: Double;
SelectedChannelsMask: LongInt;
NumMarkers: LongInt;
TimeRulerUnit: LongInt;
TimeRulerOffset: Double;
Tempo: Double;
TimeSigNumerator: LongInt;
TimeSigDenominator: LongInt;
TicksPerBlackNote: LongInt;
SmpteFrameRate: LongInt;
Future: array[0..63] of Byte;



Flags: TVstAudioFileFlags;
HostOwned: Pointer;

see enum TVstAudioFileFlags

PlugOwned: Pointer;

any data private to host

Name: array[0..99] of char;

any data private to plugin

UniqueId: LongInt;

file title

SampleRate: Double;

uniquely identify a file during a session

NumChannels: LongInt;

file sample rate

NumFrames: Double;

number of channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo...)

Format: LongInt;

number of frames in the audio file

EditCursorPosition: Double;

reserved for future

SelectionStart: Double;

-1 if no such cursor

SelectionSize: Double;

frame index of first selected frame, or -1

SelectedChannelsMask: LongInt;

number of frames in selection, or 0

NumMarkers: LongInt;

1 bit per channel

TimeRulerUnit: LongInt;

number of markers in the file

TimeRulerOffset: Double;

see doc for possible values

Tempo: Double;

offset in time ruler (positive or negative)

TimeSigNumerator: LongInt;

as bpm

TimeSigDenominator: LongInt;

time signature numerator

TicksPerBlackNote: LongInt;

time signature denominator

SmpteFrameRate: LongInt;


Future: array[0..63] of Byte;

smpte rate (set as in TVstTimeInfo)

Generated by PasDoc 0.10.0 on 2007-11-13 13:04:19