
Creative Zen Neeon


Settings is a collection of options that enable you to adjust your preferences. You can adjust preset display settings such as Contrast or Display Timer, change your player's default language and view useful information such as available memory space.

After selecting a setting, use the Scroller to adjust the setting.

  1. Press the Scroller.
  • Scroll-select the Settings option.
  • Scroll-select one of the following options:
    • Contrast Adjusts the contrast of the OLED display.
  • Display Timer
    Adjusts how long your player remains inactive before it automatically shuts down your player's OLED display. Your player, however, is still turned on.
  • Language
    Sets the default language displayed on the OLED display.
  • Screen Saver
    Sets the screensaver to display after your player is inactive for 15 seconds.
  • Idle shutdown
    Adjusts how long your player remains inactive before it automatically shuts down.
  • Information
    Displays your player's firmware version, total memory space, available memory space and number of tracks currently in your player.
  • Back
    Returns to the previous menu.