Selecting a Play Mode
Depending on which mode you want, follow the corresponding step:
This mode repeats a section of a track. You must be playing a track before selecting this play mode.
Your player starts playing from the beginning of the section.
Repeat Track
Scroll-select Repeat Track.
The track is repeated continuously until you stop it or skip to another track.
Repeat All
Scroll-select the Repeat All icon.
All tracks are repeated continuously until you stop playback.
Track Once
Scroll-select the Track Once icon.
Playback stops once the current track ends.
Shuffle Repeat
Scroll-select the Shuffle Repeat icon.
Tracks are selected in random sequence and played back continuously until you stop playback.
Shuffle Once
Scroll-select the Shuffle Once icon.
Tracks are selected in random sequence and played back once.
Shuffle Folder
Scroll-select the Shuffle Folder icon.
The Shuffle Folder icon appears on the OLED display. Folders are selected in random sequence and tracks in a folder are played back once, in sequence.
Scroll-select Normal.
This disables all other play modes. All tracks play back normally.