Options: Updates


Options: Updates .:.

The Updates properties page allows you to select amongst several options.

  • Check for New Version

    If the "Check for New Version" item is checked, the program will read the size of an online text file and compare this to your current version whenever the Help-Check for Update(s)... menu item is selected or whenever the program starts if the "Check for Update(s) During Startup" is selected below.

  • Check for New Conversion File

    If the "Check for New Conversion File" item is not checked, the program will not check for the latest version of the conversion file whenever the Help-Check for Update(s)... menu item is selected or whenever the program starts if the "Check for Update(s) During Startup" is selected below. If the "Check for New Conversion File" item is checked, the program will read the size of an online text file and compare this to your current version whenever the Help-Check for Update(s)... menu item is selected or whenever the program starts if the "Check for Update(s) During Startup" is selected below.

  • Check for Above Update(s) During Startup

    If the "Check for Above Update(s) During Startup" item is not checked, the program will not access the internet to check for the above checked update(s) during program startup. If the "Check for Above Update(s) During Startup" item is checked, the program will access the internet to check for the above checked update(s) during program startup. Note: Nothing is sent from your computer. The program merely reads the size of an online text file and compares this to your current version.