Inline Calculator .:. 
This section describes the calculations available to Converber from the two input boxes on the main program window.
- Addition: 10+2
- Subtraction: 10-2
- Multiplication: 10*2
- Division: 10/2
- Power: 10^2
- Modulus: mod(10|2) Note: The modulo operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another.
- Sine: sin(1)
- Cosine: cos(1)
- Tangent: tan(1)
- Arcsine: asin(1)
- Arccosine: acos(1)
- Arctangent: atan(1)
- Square root: sqrt(4)
- Logarithm: log(1)
- Exponent: exp(1) Note: Is the same function as e^x OR the inverse of natural log.