CRHM is executed by selecting Run from the CRHM pull-down menu. Run will not execute the model unless at least one model output has been selected from the Variables box on the upper left hand side of the CRHM window.
You can now watch the Graphical Output window as CRHM executes the model and updates the output. The status display box on the lower left hand corner of the CRHM window will show you the progress of CRHM outputting the data.
The model run may be interrupted by right clicking on the plot area. A menu will appear allowing the user to select an action from,
1) continue,
2) terminate the run immediately,
3) daily update,
4) bi-weekly update,
5) weekly update,
6) monthl updatey,
7) yearly update and
8) update at end of run.
When 'update at end of run' is selected the user must wait until the run is finished to regain control. The date is not updated.
The project execution time is consderably reduced by limiting the chart update frequency.