where_state (05/26/05)

CRHM Platform


    The FlowDiagram feature of the CRHM pull down menu generates a flow diagram for the current model. The primary function of the display is to show the progression of variables through the model modules.  An additional feature of the flow diagram is the display of either module input Observations or module input Parameters to illustrate the driving inputs of the module or the coefficients controlling the module.

Module generated Observations.

    File Observations names are always shown on the left hand side of the screen.  Module observations outputs are displayed on the right hand side of the module generating them followed by a # symbol, e.g. Qli#.  Note that file observations take precedence over module generated observations.


    The flow diagram is very useful to reveal the effect of Puts.   Normally the value of a variable is only set/changed by the module that declares it.  However,  sometimes other modules have to update the variable value during the timestep.  Understanding the sequence of events during the timestep is important.   Put inputs are flagged by the letter 'P' beside the input.

File menu.

    This menu allows the flow diagram to be saved to a file using Save and SaveAs options.  The print selection prints the flow diagram.  The Printer Setup configures the printer.  The Portrait/Landscape selection would be the most frequently used.

Copy menu.

    This saves the flow diagram to the clipboard.  There are two choices Bitmap and Metafile.  User should test each format with their import application. Results are dependent on applications used.

Selection menu.

    This is a toggle control which switches the secondary input from Observations to Parameters.  The variable flow pattern is always displayed.


    The flow diagram is scaled to fit one printer page.