where_project (09/13/16)

CRHM Platform


The Project menu  provides selections that apply to the project.  It allows a complete model to be saved in a file (*.prj). A previously saved model may be loaded and run. Every detail of the model is saved, including model modules, observation files, Dll files, parameters, states, times and variables and observations displayed.

The usual file options are available; Open, Save, Save As, Close and Exit.


     This choice generates a report giving all the particulars of the the current model.  It may be written to a file or be printed. There are also other selections for program  maintenance. The normal choices are: .


    This option is used to check that the modules are used in the correct order in the project and that variables are never used until the latest value for the current time step is calculated..

    Extract Group

    This option allows a single group of a complex model to be extracted and run as a simple project for debugging purposes or inclusion in another project.


     NaN_check - used to check variable data for out of range values. Resets to OFF after the next model run.

     LogVarLoad - normally the output variables in the Variables Selected listbox are loaded from the project file. When this option is selected the ouput is filled from every occurrence in the current project of the variables listed in the file: 'LogVarLoad.lvl'. This file contains only one line. This line uses spaces or commas as the delimiter between the desired variables.

     For example if the first line of the file is "soil_moist, soil_rechr SWE",  for a simple project the Variables Selected listbox would be filled with - soil_moist(1) ... soilmoist(nHRU) + soil_rechr(1) ... soilrechr(nHRU) + SWE(1) ... SWE(nHRU).
     For a group project the Variables Selected listbox would be filled with - soil_moist@A(1) ... soilmoist@A(nHRU) + soil_rechr@A(1) ... soilrechr@A(nHRU) + SWE@A(1) ... SWE@A(nHRU), where nhru is the number of HRUs in group A.
                      +  soil_moist@B(1) ... soilmoist@B(nHRU) + soil_rechr@B(1) ... soilrechr@B(nHRU)  + SWE@B(1) ... SWE@B(nHRU). where nhru is the number of HRUs in group B.
                      +  repeated for all other groups in the project.

    Log Time Format

    The default time format is the Microsoft decimal number of days from the year 1900. This can be changed to MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD from the default MS format.

    File, Execution thru RenameGroup

    These choices are only used for program diagnostics



    This choice determines if a model is automatically run when a project is loaded.


    This choices causes CRHM to exit after completing the project run. Used for batch runs.


    When a model is run Log provides three options for saving the model ouput and mass balance to a file,  "CRHM_output[_nn].txt/.log" file suitable for importing into another application.

  1. Last - The values of the selected variables are saved for the last time step of the model run to the log file with the extension 'txt'.
  2. All - The values of the selected variables are saved every time step of the model run to the log file with the extension 'txt'.
  3. Debug_Screen - Writes the debug screen to a file with extension '.log'.
  4. Summary - Writes the variables requested by the user to be summarized are written to a file with the extension '.sum".

    The output file name is "CRHM_output" except when the basin RUN_ID parameter is greater than zero, then the ID value is appended using an underscore, e.g. "CRHM_output_123" for an ID value of 123.   The file is always saved in the project directory.  

    The format of the data text file is as follows.  The first line of the file consists of the text "time" followed by the selected variable names.  The next line consists of the text "units" followed by the variable units. In the case of the 'Summary' screen the user will have to modify the units listed according to the fuction used and the timebase to generate the output. The subsequent lines have the model time in the first column followed by the variable values for the time step.  This format is easily imported into Excel and other applications. An alternative method of saving the model output is to use the Export menu which supplies more flexibility but cannot be automated.

    The debug screen is copied as displayed to the file.


    Using the TChart editor the graphical screen appearance can be changed. This option allows the chart theme to be saved to the project file.

Plot refresh rate.

    Updating the graphics screen significantly slows down CRHM. This option allows the update rate to be set. Not refreshing the graphics screen until the model run is finished is fastest.


    When a CRHM project without an observation is executed this option sets the timestep. An example is a project only using the module "global".