
Measurement Studio IVI

Class CNiIviSwtchScan Base ClassesData ItemsFunctionsGo to hierarchy chart    Prev page: WaitForScanCompleteNext page: AdvancedOutput    
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'Overview' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Overview

Additional settings for configuring a scanning switch.

Hierarchy Chart Hierarchy Chart

'Data Items' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Data Items

Public data long AdvancedOutput The method to use to notify another instrument that all signals going through the switch module have settled following the processing of one entry in the scan list.
Public data bool Continuous Specifies whether the switch module continues scanning from the top of the scan list after reaching the end of the list.
Public data double Delay The minimum amount of time in seconds that the switch module waits before it asserts the scan advanced output trigger after opening or closing the switch.
Public data long Input The source of the trigger for which the switch module waits when processing a scan list.
Public data CString List The scan list is a string that specifies channel connections and trigger conditions.
Public data long Mode Specifies what happens to existing connections that conflict with the connections you make in a scan list.
Public data long NumberOfColumns Returns the number of columns of a matrix or scanner.
Public data long NumberOfRows Returns the number of rows of a matrix or scanner.

'Functions' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Functions

Public function inline void


Aborts a previously initiated scan.
Public function inline void

ConfigureList( const CString &List, long mode )

Configures the switch module for scanning.
Public function inline void

ConfigureTrigger( double scanDelay, long triggerInput, long scanAdvancedOutput )

Configures the scan triggers for the scan list you establish with ConfigureList function.
Public function inline void


Initiates a scan.
Public function inline bool

IsScanning() const

Returns whether the switch module is scanning.
Public function inline void


Sends a command to trigger the switch.
Public function inline void

WaitForScanComplete( long maxTime ) const

Waits until the instrument stops scanning.