
Measurement Studio IVI

Class CNiIviDmmThermocouple Base ClassesData ItemsFunctionsGo to hierarchy chart    Prev page: ConfigureNext page: FixedRefJunction    
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'Overview' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Overview

Additional settings for taking temperature measurements with a thermocouple. These settings affect the behavior of the instrument only if the Function property is set to CNiIviDmm::TemperatureFunction and the Temperature.TransducerType property is set to CNiIviDmm::ThermocoupleTransducer.

Hierarchy Chart Hierarchy Chart

'Data Items' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Data Items

Public data double FixedRefJunction The external reference junction temperature in degrees Celsius when a fixed reference junction thermocouple is used to take the temperature measurement.
Public data long RefJunctionType The type of reference junction to be used in the reference junction compensation.
Public data long Type The type of thermocouple used to measure the temperature.

'Functions' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Functions

Public function inline void

Configure( long type, long refJunctionType )

Configures the thermocouple type and the reference junction type.