
Measurement Studio IVI

Class CNiIviDcPwrOutput Base ClassesData ItemsFunctionsGo to hierarchy chart    Prev page: ResetOutputProtectionNext page: CurrentLimit    
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'Overview' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Overview

Additional settings for configuring the power supply's output signal.

Hierarchy Chart Hierarchy Chart

'Data Items' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Data Items

Public data double CurrentLimit[] The output current limit in Amperes.
Public data long CurrentLimitBehavior[] The behavior of the power supply when the output current is equal to or greater than the value of the CurrentLimit property.
Public data bool Enabled[] Specifies whether the signal the power supply produces appears at the output connector.
Public data bool OvpEnabled[] Specifies whether the power supply provides over-voltage protection.
Public data double OvpLimit[] The maximum voltage the power supply allows when the OvpEnabled property is true.
Public data double TriggeredCurrentLimit[] The value in Amperes to which the power supply sets the current limit after a trigger event occurs.
Public data double TriggeredVoltageLevel[] The value in Volts to which the power supply sets the voltage level after a trigger event occurs.
Public data double VoltageLevel[] The voltage level in Volts the power supply attempts to generate.

'Functions' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Functions

Public function inline void

ConfigureCurrentLimit( const CString& channelName, long behavior, double limit )

Configures properties that affect the power supply's current limit.
Public function inline void

ConfigureOutputRange( const CString &channelName, long rangeType, double range )

C onfigures the power supply's output range on a channel.
Public function inline void

ConfigureOvp( const CString &channelName, bool enabled, double limit )

Configures the power supply's over-voltage protection.
Public function inline double

MeasureCurrent( const CString &channelName )

Returns the actual current in Amperes.
Public function inline double

MeasureVoltage( const CString &channelName )

Returns the actual voltage in Volts
Public function inline double

QueryCurrentLimitMax( const CString &channelName, double voltageLevel )

Returns the maximum programmable current limit that the power supply accepts for a particular voltage level on a channel for the output range to which the power supply is currently configured.
Public function inline bool

QueryOutputState( const CString &channelName, long outputState )

Returns whether the power supply is in a particular output state.
Public function inline double

QueryVoltageLevelMax( const CString &channelName, double currentLimit )

Returns the maximum programmable voltage level that the power supply accepts for a particular current limit on a channel for the output range to which the power supply is currently configured.
Public function inline void

ResetOutputProtection( const CString &channelName )

Clears all output-protection conditions on the power supply.