
Measurement Studio IVI

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Public Function Declared in:

'Declaration' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Declaration

inline CNiReal64Vector ReadMultiPoint(
    long int maxTime);

'Description' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Description

Initiates and acquires a multi-point measurement, and returns a vector containing the measured values.

If an over-range condition occurs, the return value is an IEEE defined NaN (Not a Number) value. You can test the measurement value for an over-range condition by calling the IsOverRange function.

This function performs interchangeability checking when the DriverOperation.InterchangeCheck property is set to true. If the ClassDriverOperation.Spy property is set to true, you use the NI Spy utility to view interchangeability warnings. You use the DriverOperation.GetNextInterchangeWarning function to retrieve interchangeability warnings when the ClassDriverOperation.Spy property is set to false. For more information about interchangeability checking, refer to the help text for the DriverOperation.InterchangeCheck property.

Shortcut to top of page. Parameters

long int maxTime

The maximum length of time in milliseconds in which to allow the function to complete.

If the operation does not complete within this time interval, the function throws an exception. In addition a numerical value, one of the following defined constants can be used:

  • CNiIviDmm::InfiniteMaxTime - Wait indefinitely.
  • CNiIviDmm::ImmediateMaxTime - Do not wait for a timeout.

'See Also' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. See Also