
Measurement Studio IVI

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Public Function Declared in:

'Declaration' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Declaration

inline void ReadWaveformMinMax(
    const CString &channel,
    long int maxTime,
    CNiReal64Vector &minWaveform,
    CNiReal64Vector &maxWaveform,
    double &xFirst,
    double &xIncrement);

'Description' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Description

Initiates an acquisition on all channels that you enable with the Channel.Configure function. It then waits for the acquisition to complete and returns the waveforms for the channel you specify. If the oscilloscope did not complete the acquisition within the time period you specify with the maxTime parameter, the function throws an exception. Use this function to read waveforms when you set the acquisition mode to CNiIviScope::PeakDetect or CNiIviScope::Envelope.

You call the FetchWaveform function to obtain the waveforms for each of the remaining enabled channels without initiating another acquisition.

Each element in the waveforms is either a voltage or a value indicating that the oscilloscope could not sample a voltage. You can test a waveform value for an invalid value condition by calling the IsWaveformElementInvalid function.

Shortcut to top of page. Parameters

const CString &channel

The channel on which you want to obtain the min and max waveforms.

long int maxTime

The maximum length of time in milliseconds in which to allow the operation to complete.

If the operation does not complete within this time interval, the function throws an exception. When this occurs, you can call Abort to cancel the operation and return the oscilloscope to the Idle state.

CNiReal64Vector &minWaveform

Returns the minimum waveform that the oscilloscope acquires.

CNiReal64Vector &maxWaveform

Returns the maximum waveform that the oscilloscope acquires.

double &xFirst

The time in seconds of the first point in the waveform relative to the trigger event.

double &xIncrement

The length of time in seconds between points in the waveform.

'See Also' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. See Also