Knob Events


Function Group Knob Events Functions    Prev page: OnReadyStateChangeNext page: OnClick    
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'Overview' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Overview

The Measurement Studio knob control generates a variety of events in response to user input or changes in properties that are bound to a DataSocket source.

Complete the following steps to add an event handler for a particular event generated by the knob control.

1. Edit a dialog resource and add a Measurement Studio knob control to the dialog.

2. Right-click on the knob control and select Events.

3. Select the appropriate event to handle and select Add and Edit. By default, this creates a new member function and names it in the form shown below.


To help you find the appropriate online help, the components of the member function name are described below.

  • eventName is the event name.
  • objectIdSuffix is the last part of the ID assigned to the control.

For example, if you have a knob control for which the ID is IDC_CWKNOB1 and you want to add a handler for the Click event. The default member function name created by the ClassWizard is OnClickCwknob1.

4. Click OK to add and edit the new event handler. Notice that the prototype of the member function matches the corresponding event listed below. You can select this link to get additional information regarding the event.

Note: Various knob events pass COM VARIANT data types as parameters to the event handler. Measurement Studio includes the CNiVariant class, which provides a convenient interface for managing these VARIANT data types. Refer to the documentation for each event for further information.

'Functions' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Functions

Global function void


Generated when you click the mouse on the control.
Global function void

OnCWBindingDataUpdated( short Index, LPDISPATCH Data, BOOL FAR* Ignore )

Generated when the binding data is updated.
Global function void

OnCWBindingStatusUpdated( short Index, long Status, long Error, LPCTSTR Message )

Generated when the status of the binding connection changes.
Global function void


Generated when you double-click the mouse on the control.
Global function void

OnKeyDown( short FAR* KeyCode, short Shift )

Generated when you press a key while the control has the input focus.
Global function void

OnKeyPress( short FAR* KeyAscii )

Generated when a KeyDown message generates a key while a control is active.
Global function void

OnKeyUp( short FAR* KeyCode, short Shift )

Generated when you release a key while the control has the input focus.
Global function void

OnMouseDown( short Button, short Shift, long x, long y )

Generated when you click the mouse on the control.
Global function void

OnMouseMove( short Button, short Shift, long x, long y )

Generated when you move the mouse over the control.
Global function void

OnMouseUp( short Button, short Shift, long x, long y )

Generated when you release the mouse on the control.
Global function void

OnPointerValueChanged( long Pointer, VARIANT FAR* Value )

Generated when the value of a pointer changes.
Global function void

OnPointerValueCommitted( long Pointer, VARIANT FAR* Value )

Generated when the value of a pointer has stopped changing.
Global function void


Generated when the ready state changes.