

Class CNiTicks Base ClassesData ItemsConstructorsDestructorsFunctionsGo to hierarchy chart    Prev page: operator =Next page: Above    
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'Overview' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Overview

CNiTicks encapsulates the interface to the Ticks property of a CNiAxis object, which allows you to modify the appearance and behavior of the tick marks on an axis.

Note: To specify a date/time value, you must convert your date or time value to a double. A date is implemented as a floating-point value with the integer part of the number measuring days from midnight, 30 December 1899, and the fractional part representing the time of day. The absolute value of the fractional part of the number represents the time as a fraction of a day. Thus, 1 second equals 1 / 24 hours / 60 minutes, which is 1/86400 or approximately 1.157407e-5. So, midnight, 31 December 1899, is represented by 1.0. Similarly, 6 AM, 1 January 1900, is represented by 2.25, and midnight, 29 December 1899, is -1.0. However, 6 AM, 29 December 1899, is -1.25.

Hierarchy Chart Hierarchy Chart

'Base Classes' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Base Classes

'Data Items' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Data Items

Public data bool Above Specifies if ticks are drawn above the object.
Public data bool AutoDivisions Specifies if divisions are automatically calculated.
Public data bool Below Specifies if ticks are drawn below the object.
Public data bool Inside Specifies if tick marks are drawn on the inside of the axis.
Public data bool Left Specifies if tick marks are drawn to the left of the object.
Public data double MajorDivisions Specifies the number of major divisions.
Public data bool MajorGrid Specifies if major grid lines are drawn.
Public data CNiColor MajorGridColor Specifies the color of major grid lines.
Public data CNiColor MajorTickColor Specifies the color of major grid ticks.
Public data bool MajorTicks Specifies if major grid ticks are drawn.
Public data double MajorUnitsBase Specifies the base number for calculating ticks.
Public data double MajorUnitsInterval Specifies the number of units between major divisions.
Public data double MinorDivisions Specifies the number of minor divisions for each major division.
Public data bool MinorGrid Specifies if minor grid lines are drawn.
Public data CNiColor MinorGridColor Specifies the color of minor grid lines.
Public data CNiColor MinorTickColor Specifies the color of minor grid ticks.
Public data bool MinorTicks Specifies if minor grid ticks are drawn.
Public data double MinorUnitsInterval Specifies the number of units between minor divisions.
Public data bool Outside Specifies if tick marks are drawn on the outside of the axis
Public data bool Right Specifies if tick marks are drawn to the right of the object.

'Constructors' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Constructors

Public constructor


Default constructor.
Public constructor

CNiTicks( CWTicks_CI* pCustom, CNiInterface::ThreadAccess option )

Constructor that attaches to the specified CWTicks_CI pointer.
Public constructor

CNiTicks( const CNiTicks& source )

Copy constructor.

'Destructors' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Destructors

Public destructor



'Functions' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Functions

Public function static const IID &


Returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the ActiveX interface to which this class connects.
Public function const CNiTicks &

operator =( const CNiTicks& source )

Assignment operator.

Shortcut to top of page. Example

// Changes the number of major divisions on the x axis of a graph
// control.
CNiGraph graph;
CNiTicks ticks = graph.Axes.Item("XAxis").Ticks;
ticks.MajorDivisions = 20;