

Class CNiImage Base ClassesData ItemsConstructorsDestructorsFunctionsGo to hierarchy chart    Prev page: ReloadNext page: AnimateColumns    
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'Overview' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Overview

CNiImage encapsulates the interface to an image object that is associated with a Measurement Studio ActiveX control such as a graph or a button. This allows you to manipulate and animate images to create complex visual effects.

Note that you must initialize a CNiImage object from an existing object. If you do not initialize a CNiImage object from an existing object, a CNiObjectNotInUsableState exception will be thrown when you attempt to manipulate the instance of the CNiImage.

Hierarchy Chart Hierarchy Chart

'Base Classes' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Base Classes

'Data Items' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Data Items

Public data long AnimateColumns Specifies the number of columns in a bitmap that is being used for animation.
Public data Speeds AnimateInterval Specifies how often this image animates.
Public data long AnimateRows Specifies the number of rows in a bitmap that is being used for animation.
Public data Speeds BlinkInterval Specifies how often this image blinks.
Public data CNiColor Color Specifies the color for the image.
Public data CNiPicture Picture Specifies the image used in the CNiImage object.
Public data bool ReverseAnimation Specifies the direction of animation.
Public data bool SaveLink Specifies if the CNiImage object saves the image or a link to the image.
Public data bool Stretch Specifies if the image is displayed in its normal size or stretched to fit within the control.
Public data bool Tile Specifies if the image is tiled.
Public data bool Transparent Specifies if the image has a transparent color.
Public data CNiColor TransparentColor Specifies the color in the image that should be drawn as transparent.
Public data CString Url Specifies the path to the image.
Public data bool Visible Specifies if the image is visible.

'Constructors' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Constructors

Public constructor


Default constructor.
Public constructor

CNiImage( CWImage_CI* pCustom, CNiInterface::ThreadAccess option )

Constructor that attaches to the specified CWImage_CI pointer.
Public constructor

CNiImage( const CNiImage& source )

Copy constructor.

'Destructors' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Destructors

Public destructor



'Functions' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Functions

Public function static const IID &


Returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the ActiveX interface to which this class connects.
Public function const CNiImage &

operator =( const CNiImage& source )

Assignment operator.
Public function void


Loads the image referenced by the current value of the URL property.

Shortcut to top of page. Example

// Change the image displayed in the plot area of a 2D graph and
// set it to blink quickly.
CNiGraph3D graph;
CNiImage image = graph.Images("Plot Area");
image.URL = "c:\\windows\\circles.bmp";
image.BlinkInterval = CNiImage::SpeedVeryFast;