

Function Group
OnCWBindingStatusUpdated() Functions    Prev page: OnCWBindingDataUpdatedNext page: OnDblClick    
Function Declared in:

'Declaration' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Declaration

void OnCWBindingStatusUpdated(
    short Index,
    long Status,
    long Error,
    LPCTSTR Message);

'Description' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Description

Generated when the status of the binding connection changes.

Note: The status changes as the connection is made and data is downloaded. The event also is generated if an error occurs. The CWBindingStatusUpdated event occurs every time you try to connect to the data source specified by the URL. The event returns parameters for the status, a system error code, and a string describing the most recent progress or error. You can use these parameters to identify the cause of a problem or to report the progress. The CWBindingStatusUpdated event might be generated several times, depending on the data source to which you are trying to connect.

Shortcut to top of page. Parameters

short Index

Contains the index of the CNiBindings collection of the binding that generated this event.

long Status

Status of the binding connection.

long Error

Error associated with the binding connection.


Descriptive message of the connection status.

'See Also' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. See Also

Shortcut to top of page. Example

void OnCWBindingStatusUpdated(short Index, long Status, long Error, LPCTSTR Message) {
   // Display the status of connection 1.
   if (Index = 1) {
       m_Text1.Text = message