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Public Data Item Declared in:

'Declaration' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Declaration

ConnectionStatus Status;

'Description' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Description

The current status of the CNiBinding connection. The following list includes valid values.

  • CNiBinding::Unconnected - not connected to any data source.
  • CNiBinding::ConnectionActive - currently connected to a data source.
  • CNiBinding::ConnectionIdle - connection is idle.
  • CNiBinding::Connecting - currently connecting to data source.
  • CNiBinding::ConnectionError - error connecting to data source.


1. The value of this property is the same as the last status value passed to the StatusUpdated event handler.

2. If an error occurs while connecting to the source or target, the status indicates the last step attempted. The LastError and LastMessage properties describe the error.

3. This is a read-only property.

'See Also' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. See Also