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Public Data Item Declared in:

'Declaration' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Declaration

ChartStyles ChartStyle;

'Description' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Description

Specifies how chart functions update the display as new data is added to the plot. The following list includes valid update values.

  • CNiGraph::ChartStrip - when a trace reaches the edge of the plot area, the x axis and plot start to scroll from right to left. New data points are appended on the right side while old data scrolls off the left side of the graph.
  • CNiGraph::ChartScope - shifts the x axis according to the ChartLength you specify, displaying only that range. For example, if ChartStyle = ChartScope and ChartLength = 30, the x axis display ranges from 0 to 30 until you chart more than 30 points. Then the axis shifts and displays the range from 30 to 60 until you chart more than 60 points. Then the chart shifts again.


1. Setting this property affects only the display. It does not affect how much data is stored.

2. If data is charted to plots at different rates, the plot that is furthest in front, which the plot that has the greatest X values, determines when and how much the x axis is updated. If the data is in decreasing order, the plot with the smallest X value is used.

3. Use this property only with the CNiGraph::ChartY or CNiPlot::ChartY function, and only when autoscaling is not enabled for the x axis.

'See Also' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. See Also