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Public Data Item Declared in:

'Declaration' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Declaration

PointerStyles Style;

'Description' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Description

Specifies the graphical style of the pointer. The following list includes valid values for this function.

  • CNiPointer::PointerNone - no pointer image is used.
  • CNiPointer::PointerNormal - on a CNiKnob control, the pointer appears as a thin line. On a CNiSlide control, the pointer appears as a slider "thumb."
  • CNiPointer::PointerLeftBottomArrow - the pointer appears as an arrow facing left or to the bottom, depending on if the CNiSlide is vertical or horizontal. This style is available only on the CNiSlide control.
  • CNiPointer::PointerRightTopArrow - the pointer appears as an arrow facing right or to the top, depending on if the CNiSlide is vertical or horizontal. This style is available only on the CNiSlide control.
  • CNiPointer::PointerCustom - a custom image represents the pointer. This style is available only on the CNiSlide control. You cannot set the pointer's style to this value for other controls.
  • CNiPointer::Pointer3D - the pointer appears as a three-dimensional needle. This style is available only on the CNiKnob control.

'See Also' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. See Also