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Public Data Item Declared in:

'Declaration' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Declaration

CrosshairStyles CrosshairStyle;

'Description' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Description

Specifies the type of lines that identify the cursor position. The following list contains valid values for this function.

  • CNiCursor::CrosshairNone - there is no crosshair.
  • CNiCursor::CrosshairMinorX - the crosshair is a short horizontal line.
  • CNiCursor::CrosshairMajorX - if the point style is CNiCursor::PointNone, the system draws a solid line.
  • CNiCursor::CrosshairMinorY - the crosshair is a short vertical line.
  • CNiCursor::CrosshairMinorXMinorY - the crosshair is a short horizontal line and a short vertical line.
  • CNiCursor::CrosshairMajorXMinorY - the crosshair is a long horizontal line and a short vertical line.
  • CNiCursor::CrosshairMajorY - if the point style is CNiCursor::PointNone, the system draws a solid line.
  • CNiCursor::CrosshairMinorXMajorY - the crosshair is a short horizontal line and a long vertical line.
  • CNiCursor::CrosshairMajorXMajorY - the crosshair is a long horizontal line and a long vertical line.


1. The enumeration permits a single horizontal line or a vertical line that stretches the width or height of the plot, short lines that are drawn close to the cursor position, and combinations of the two.

2. If the PointStyle property is CNiCursor::PointNone and the CrosshairStyle property is CNiCursor::CrosshairMajorX or CNiCursor::CrosshairMajorY, the cursor appears as a solid line.

'See Also' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. See Also