包 | system.web |
继承 | class CWebApplication » CApplication » CModule » CComponent |
源自 | 1.0 |
版本 | $Id: CWebApplication.php 3515 2011-12-28 12:29:24Z mdomba $ |
源码 | framework/web/CWebApplication.php |
CWebApplication manages the controllers in MVC pattern, and provides the following additional core application components:
- urlManager: provides URL parsing and constructing functionality;
- request: encapsulates the Web request information;
- session: provides the session-related functionalities;
- assetManager: manages the publishing of private asset files.
- user: represents the user session information.
- themeManager: manages themes.
- authManager: manages role-based access control (RBAC).
- clientScript: manages client scripts (javascripts and CSS).
- widgetFactory: creates widgets and supports widget skinning.
User requests are resolved as controller-action pairs and additional parameters. CWebApplication creates the requested controller instance and let it to handle the actual user request. If the user does not specify controller ID, it will assume defaultController is requested (which defaults to 'site').
Controller class files must reside under the directory controllerPath (defaults to 'protected/controllers'). The file name and the class name must be the same as the controller ID with the first letter in upper case and appended with 'Controller'. For example, the controller 'article' is defined by the class 'ArticleController' which is in the file 'protected/controllers/ArticleController.php'.
属性 | 类型 | 描述 | 定义在 |
assetManager | CAssetManager | the asset manager component | CWebApplication |
authManager | IAuthManager | the authorization manager component | CWebApplication |
basePath | string | 返回应用程序的根目录。 | CApplication |
baseUrl | string | 返回应用程序的相对URL。 | CApplication |
behaviors | array | the behaviors that should be attached to the module. | CModule |
cache | CCache | 返回缓存组件。 | CApplication |
catchAllRequest | array | the configuration specifying a controller which should handle all user requests. | CWebApplication |
charset | string | 应用程序当前使用的字符集。默认为‘UTF-8’。 | CApplication |
clientScript | CClientScript | Returns the client script manager. | CWebApplication |
components | array | 返回应用组件。 | CModule |
controller | CController | the currently active controller | CWebApplication |
controllerMap | array | mapping from controller ID to controller configurations. | CWebApplication |
controllerPath | string | the directory that contains the controller classes. | CWebApplication |
coreMessages | CPhpMessageSource | 返回核心信息翻译组件。 | CApplication |
dateFormatter | CDateFormatter | 返回本地化的日期格式。 | CApplication |
db | CDbConnection | 返回数据库连接组件。 | CApplication |
defaultController | string | the route of the default controller, action or module. | CWebApplication |
errorHandler | CErrorHandler | 返回错误处理组件。 | CApplication |
extensionPath | string | 返回第三方扩展根目录。 | CApplication |
homeUrl | string | 主页URL | CApplication |
id | string | 返回应用程序的唯一标识符。 | CApplication |
language | string | 返回用户正在使用的应用程序语言。 | CApplication |
layout | mixed | the application-wide layout. | CWebApplication |
layoutPath | string | the root directory of layout files. | CWebApplication |
locale | CLocale | 返回本地(环境)实例。 | CApplication |
localeDataPath | string | 返回包含本地化的数据目录。 | CApplication |
messages | CMessageSource | 返回应用程序信息翻译组件。 | CApplication |
modulePath | string | 返回包含应用程序模块的目录。 | CModule |
modules | array | 返回应用程序当前已经安装的模块。 | CModule |
name | string | 应用程序名字。默认为‘My Application’。 | CApplication |
numberFormatter | CNumberFormatter | 本地化数字格式。 将使用当前application locale。 | CApplication |
params | CAttributeCollection | 返回用户定义的参数。 | CModule |
parentModule | CModule | 返回父模块。 | CModule |
preload | array | the IDs of the application components that should be preloaded. | CModule |
request | CHttpRequest | 返回请求组件。 | CApplication |
runtimePath | string | 返回存储运行时文件目录。 | CApplication |
securityManager | CSecurityManager | 返回安全管理器组件。 | CApplication |
session | CHttpSession | the session component | CWebApplication |
sourceLanguage | string | 应用程序使用语言. | CApplication |
statePersister | CStatePersister | 返回持久状态组件。 | CApplication |
systemViewPath | string | the root directory of system view files. | CWebApplication |
theme | CTheme | the theme used currently. | CWebApplication |
themeManager | CThemeManager | the theme manager. | CWebApplication |
timeZone | string | 返回应用程序所使用的时区。 | CApplication |
urlManager | CUrlManager | 返回URL管理器组件。 | CApplication |
user | CWebUser | the user session information | CWebApplication |
viewPath | string | the root directory of view files. | CWebApplication |
viewRenderer | IViewRenderer | Returns the view renderer. | CWebApplication |
widgetFactory | IWidgetFactory | Returns the widget factory. | CWebApplication |
方法 | 描述 | 定义在 |
__call() | 如果类中没有调的方法名,则调用这个方法。 | CComponent |
__construct() | 构造器。 | CApplication |
__get() | getter魔术方法。 | CModule |
__isset() | 检查一个属性值是否为null。 | CModule |
__set() | 设置一个组件的属性值。 | CComponent |
__unset() | 设置一个组件的属性为null。 | CComponent |
afterControllerAction() | The post-filter for controller actions. | CWebApplication |
asa() | 返回这个名字的行为对象。 | CComponent |
attachBehavior() | 附加一个行为到组件。 | CComponent |
attachBehaviors() | 附加一个行为列表到组件。 | CComponent |
attachEventHandler() | 为事件附加一个事件处理程序。 | CComponent |
beforeControllerAction() | The pre-filter for controller actions. | CWebApplication |
canGetProperty() | 确定属性是否可读。 | CComponent |
canSetProperty() | 确定属性是否可写。 | CComponent |
clearGlobalState() | 清空一个全局值。 | CApplication |
configure() | 为模块指定配置。 | CModule |
createAbsoluteUrl() | 创建一个基于给定控制器和动作(信息)绝对的URL。 | CApplication |
createController() | Creates a controller instance based on a route. | CWebApplication |
createUrl() | 创建一个基于给定控制器和动作(信息)相对的URL。 | CApplication |
detachBehavior() | 从组件中分离一个行为。 | CComponent |
detachBehaviors() | 从组件中分离所有行为。 | CComponent |
detachEventHandler() | 分离一个存在的事件处理程序。 | CComponent |
disableBehavior() | 禁用一个附加行为。 | CComponent |
disableBehaviors() | 禁用组件附加的所有行为。 | CComponent |
displayError() | 显示捕获的PHP错误。 | CApplication |
displayException() | 显示未捕获的PHP异常。 | CApplication |
enableBehavior() | 启用一个附加行为。 | CComponent |
enableBehaviors() | 启用组件附加的所有行为。 | CComponent |
end() | 终止应用程序。 | CApplication |
evaluateExpression() | 计算一个PHP表达式,或根据组件上下文执行回调。 | CComponent |
findLocalizedFile() | 返回指定文件的本地化版本。 | CApplication |
findModule() | Do not call this method. This method is used internally to search for a module by its ID. | CWebApplication |
getAssetManager() | 返回the asset manager component | CWebApplication |
getAuthManager() | 返回the authorization manager component | CWebApplication |
getBasePath() | 返回应用程序的根目录。 | CApplication |
getBaseUrl() | 返回应用程序的相对URL。 | CApplication |
getCache() | 返回缓存组件。 | CApplication |
getClientScript() | Returns the client script manager. | CWebApplication |
getComponent() | Retrieves the named application component. | CModule |
getComponents() | 返回应用组件。 | CModule |
getController() | 返回the currently active controller | CWebApplication |
getControllerPath() | 返回the directory that contains the controller classes. Defaults to 'protected/controllers'. | CWebApplication |
getCoreMessages() | 返回核心信息翻译组件。 | CApplication |
getDateFormatter() | 返回本地化的日期格式。 | CApplication |
getDb() | 返回数据库连接组件。 | CApplication |
getErrorHandler() | 返回错误处理组件。 | CApplication |
getEventHandlers() | 返回一个事件的附加处理程序列表。 | CComponent |
getExtensionPath() | 返回第三方扩展根目录。 | CApplication |
getGlobalState() | 返回一个全局值 | CApplication |
getHomeUrl() | 返回主页URL | CApplication |
getId() | 返回应用程序的唯一标识符。 | CApplication |
getLanguage() | 返回用户正在使用的应用程序语言。 | CApplication |
getLayoutPath() | 返回the root directory of layout files. Defaults to 'protected/views/layouts'. | CWebApplication |
getLocale() | 返回本地(环境)实例。 | CApplication |
getLocaleDataPath() | 返回包含本地化的数据目录。 | CApplication |
getMessages() | 返回应用程序信息翻译组件。 | CApplication |
getModule() | 检索指定的应用模块。 | CModule |
getModulePath() | 返回包含应用程序模块的目录。 | CModule |
getModules() | 返回应用程序当前已经安装的模块。 | CModule |
getNumberFormatter() | 返回本地化数字格式。 将使用当前application locale。 | CApplication |
getParams() | 返回用户定义的参数。 | CModule |
getParentModule() | 返回父模块。 | CModule |
getRequest() | 返回请求组件。 | CApplication |
getRuntimePath() | 返回存储运行时文件目录。 | CApplication |
getSecurityManager() | 返回安全管理器组件。 | CApplication |
getSession() | 返回the session component | CWebApplication |
getStatePersister() | 返回持久状态组件。 | CApplication |
getSystemViewPath() | 返回the root directory of system view files. Defaults to 'protected/views/system'. | CWebApplication |
getTheme() | 返回the theme used currently. Null if no theme is being used. | CWebApplication |
getThemeManager() | 返回the theme manager. | CWebApplication |
getTimeZone() | 返回应用程序所使用的时区。 | CApplication |
getUrlManager() | 返回URL管理器组件。 | CApplication |
getUser() | 返回the user session information | CWebApplication |
getViewPath() | 返回the root directory of view files. Defaults to 'protected/views'. | CWebApplication |
getViewRenderer() | Returns the view renderer. | CWebApplication |
getWidgetFactory() | Returns the widget factory. | CWebApplication |
handleError() | 处理PHP异常错误,如警告,通知。 | CApplication |
handleException() | 处理未捕获的PHP异常。 | CApplication |
hasComponent() | 检查是否存在指定组件。 | CModule |
hasEvent() | 确定一个事件是否定义。 | CComponent |
hasEventHandler() | 检查事件是否有附加的处理程序。 | CComponent |
hasModule() | 检查是否已经安装了指定模块。 | CModule |
hasProperty() | 确定属性是否被定义。 | CComponent |
loadGlobalState() | 从持久存储加载全局状态数据。 | CApplication |
onBeginRequest() | 应用程序处理请求之前发起。 | CApplication |
onEndRequest() | 应用程序处理请求之后发起。 | CApplication |
onError() | 当一个PHP异常错误发生时发起。 | CApplication |
onException() | 当一个未捕获的PHP异常发生时发起。 | CApplication |
processRequest() | Processes the current request. | CWebApplication |
raiseEvent() | 发起一个事件。 | CComponent |
run() | 运行应用程序。 | CApplication |
runController() | Creates the controller and performs the specified action. | CWebApplication |
saveGlobalState() | 保存全局状态数据到持久存储。 | CApplication |
setAliases() | 定义根目录的别名。 | CModule |
setBasePath() | 设置应用程序根目录。 | CApplication |
setComponent() | 添加一个组件到模块中 | CModule |
setComponents() | 设置应用组件。 | CModule |
setController() | 设置the currently active controller | CWebApplication |
setControllerPath() | 设置the directory that contains the controller classes. | CWebApplication |
setExtensionPath() | 设置第三方扩展目录。 | CApplication |
setGlobalState() | 设置一个全局值。 | CApplication |
setHomeUrl() | 设置设置主页URL | CApplication |
setId() | 设置应用程序唯一的标识符。 | CApplication |
setImport() | 设置在模块中使用的路径别名。 | CModule |
setLanguage() | 指定应用程序语言。 | CApplication |
setLayoutPath() | 设置the root directory of layout files. | CWebApplication |
setLocaleDataPath() | 设置包含本地化数据的目录。 | CApplication |
setModulePath() | 设置包含应用程序模块的目录。 | CModule |
setModules() | 配置模块的子模块。 | CModule |
setParams() | 设置用户定义的参数。 | CModule |
setRuntimePath() | 设置存储运行时文件目录。 | CApplication |
setSystemViewPath() | 设置the root directory of system view files. | CWebApplication |
setTheme() | 设置the theme name | CWebApplication |
setTimeZone() | 设置应用程序所使用的时区。 | CApplication |
setViewPath() | 设置the root directory of view files. | CWebApplication |
方法 | 描述 | 定义在 |
init() | Initializes the application. | CWebApplication |
initSystemHandlers() | 初始化类自动加载器和错误处理。 | CApplication |
parseActionParams() | Parses a path info into an action ID and GET variables. | CWebApplication |
preinit() | 模块预初始化。 | CModule |
preloadComponents() | 加载静态应用组件。 | CModule |
registerCoreComponents() | Registers the core application components. | CWebApplication |
事件 | 描述 | 定义在 |
onBeginRequest | 应用程序处理请求之前发起。 | CApplication |
onEndRequest | 应用程序处理请求之后发起。 | CApplication |
onException | 当一个未捕获的PHP异常发生时发起。 | CApplication |
onError | 当一个PHP异常错误发生时发起。 | CApplication |
the asset manager component
the authorization manager component
the configuration specifying a controller which should handle all user requests. This is mainly used when the application is in maintenance mode and we should use a controller to handle all incoming requests. The configuration specifies the controller route (the first element) and GET parameters (the rest name-value pairs). For example,
array( 'offline/notice', 'param1'=>'value1', 'param2'=>'value2', )Defaults to null, meaning catch-all is not effective.
Returns the client script manager.
the currently active controller
mapping from controller ID to controller configurations. Each name-value pair specifies the configuration for a single controller. A controller configuration can be either a string or an array. If the former, the string should be the class name or class path alias of the controller. If the latter, the array must contain a 'class' element which specifies the controller's class name or class path alias. The rest name-value pairs in the array are used to initialize the corresponding controller properties. For example,
array( 'post'=>array( 'class'=>'', 'pageTitle'=>'something new', ), 'user'=>'',, )
Note, when processing an incoming request, the controller map will first be checked to see if the request can be handled by one of the controllers in the map. If not, a controller will be searched for under the default controller path.
the directory that contains the controller classes. Defaults to 'protected/controllers'.
the route of the default controller, action or module. Defaults to 'site'.
the application-wide layout. Defaults to 'main' (relative to layoutPath). If this is false, then no layout will be used.
the root directory of layout files. Defaults to 'protected/views/layouts'.
the session component
the root directory of system view files. Defaults to 'protected/views/system'.
the theme used currently. Null if no theme is being used.
the theme manager.
the user session information
the root directory of view files. Defaults to 'protected/views'.
Returns the view renderer. If this component is registered and enabled, the default view rendering logic defined in CBaseController will be replaced by this renderer.
Returns the widget factory.
public void afterControllerAction(CController $controller, CAction $action)
| ||
$controller | CController | the controller |
$action | CAction | the action |
public function afterControllerAction($controller,$action)
The post-filter for controller actions. This method is invoked after the currently requested controller action and all its filters are executed. You may override this method with logic that needs to be done after all controller actions.
public boolean beforeControllerAction(CController $controller, CAction $action)
| ||
$controller | CController | the controller |
$action | CAction | the action |
{return} | boolean | whether the action should be executed. |
public function beforeControllerAction($controller,$action)
return true;
The pre-filter for controller actions. This method is invoked before the currently requested controller action and all its filters are executed. You may override this method with logic that needs to be done before all controller actions.
public array createController(string $route, CWebModule $owner=NULL)
| ||
$route | string | the route of the request. |
$owner | CWebModule | the module that the new controller will belong to. Defaults to null, meaning the application instance is the owner. |
{return} | array | the controller instance and the action ID. Null if the controller class does not exist or the route is invalid. |
public function createController($route,$owner=null)
return null;
if(!isset($basePath)) // first segment
return array(
return $this->createController($route,$module);
if(class_exists($className,false) && is_subclass_of($className,'CController'))
return array(
new $className($controllerID.$id,$owner===$this?null:$owner),
return null;
Creates a controller instance based on a route.
The route should contain the controller ID and the action ID.
It may also contain additional GET variables. All these must be concatenated together with slashes.
This method will attempt to create a controller in the following order:
- If the first segment is found in controllerMap, the corresponding controller configuration will be used to create the controller;
- If the first segment is found to be a module ID, the corresponding module will be used to create the controller;
- Otherwise, it will search under the controllerPath to create the corresponding controller. For example, if the route is "admin/user/create", then the controller will be created using the class file "protected/controllers/admin/UserController.php".
public CWebModule findModule(string $id)
| ||
$id | string | module ID |
{return} | CWebModule | the module that has the specified ID. Null if no module is found. |
public function findModule($id)
if(($controller=$this->getController())!==null && ($module=$controller->getModule())!==null)
return $m;
} while(($module=$module->getParentModule())!==null);
return $m;
Do not call this method. This method is used internally to search for a module by its ID.
public CAssetManager getAssetManager()
| ||
{return} | CAssetManager | the asset manager component |
public function getAssetManager()
return $this->getComponent('assetManager');
public IAuthManager getAuthManager()
| ||
{return} | IAuthManager | the authorization manager component |
public function getAuthManager()
return $this->getComponent('authManager');
public CClientScript getClientScript()
| ||
{return} | CClientScript | the client script manager |
public function getClientScript()
return $this->getComponent('clientScript');
Returns the client script manager.
public CController getController()
| ||
{return} | CController | the currently active controller |
public function getController()
return $this->_controller;
public string getControllerPath()
| ||
{return} | string | the directory that contains the controller classes. Defaults to 'protected/controllers'. |
public function getControllerPath()
return $this->_controllerPath;
return $this->_controllerPath=$this->getBasePath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'controllers';
public string getLayoutPath()
| ||
{return} | string | the root directory of layout files. Defaults to 'protected/views/layouts'. |
public function getLayoutPath()
return $this->_layoutPath;
return $this->_layoutPath=$this->getViewPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'layouts';
public CHttpSession getSession()
| ||
{return} | CHttpSession | the session component |
public function getSession()
return $this->getComponent('session');
public string getSystemViewPath()
| ||
{return} | string | the root directory of system view files. Defaults to 'protected/views/system'. |
public function getSystemViewPath()
return $this->_systemViewPath;
return $this->_systemViewPath=$this->getViewPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'system';
public CTheme getTheme()
| ||
{return} | CTheme | the theme used currently. Null if no theme is being used. |
public function getTheme()
return $this->_theme;
public CThemeManager getThemeManager()
| ||
{return} | CThemeManager | the theme manager. |
public function getThemeManager()
return $this->getComponent('themeManager');
public CWebUser getUser()
| ||
{return} | CWebUser | the user session information |
public function getUser()
return $this->getComponent('user');
public string getViewPath()
| ||
{return} | string | the root directory of view files. Defaults to 'protected/views'. |
public function getViewPath()
return $this->_viewPath;
return $this->_viewPath=$this->getBasePath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'views';
public IViewRenderer getViewRenderer()
| ||
{return} | IViewRenderer | the view renderer. |
public function getViewRenderer()
return $this->getComponent('viewRenderer');
Returns the view renderer. If this component is registered and enabled, the default view rendering logic defined in CBaseController will be replaced by this renderer.
public IWidgetFactory getWidgetFactory()
| ||
{return} | IWidgetFactory | the widget factory |
public function getWidgetFactory()
return $this->getComponent('widgetFactory');
Returns the widget factory.
protected void init()
protected function init()
// preload 'request' so that it has chance to respond to onBeginRequest event.
Initializes the application. This method overrides the parent implementation by preloading the 'request' component.
protected string parseActionParams(string $pathInfo)
| ||
$pathInfo | string | path info |
{return} | string | action ID |
protected function parseActionParams($pathInfo)
return $manager->caseSensitive ? $actionID : strtolower($actionID);
return $pathInfo;
Parses a path info into an action ID and GET variables.
public void processRequest()
public function processRequest()
if(is_array($this->catchAllRequest) && isset($this->catchAllRequest[0]))
foreach(array_splice($this->catchAllRequest,1) as $name=>$value)
Processes the current request. It first resolves the request into controller and action, and then creates the controller to perform the action.
protected void registerCoreComponents()
protected function registerCoreComponents()
Registers the core application components. This method overrides the parent implementation by registering additional core components.
public void runController(string $route)
| ||
$route | string | the route of the current request. See createController for more details. |
public function runController($route)
throw new CHttpException(404,Yii::t('yii','Unable to resolve the request "{route}".',
Creates the controller and performs the specified action.
public void setController(CController $value)
| ||
$value | CController | the currently active controller |
public function setController($value)
public void setControllerPath(string $value)
| ||
$value | string | the directory that contains the controller classes. |
public function setControllerPath($value)
if(($this->_controllerPath=realpath($value))===false || !is_dir($this->_controllerPath))
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','The controller path "{path}" is not a valid directory.',
public void setLayoutPath(string $path)
| ||
$path | string | the root directory of layout files. |
public function setLayoutPath($path)
if(($this->_layoutPath=realpath($path))===false || !is_dir($this->_layoutPath))
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','The layout path "{path}" is not a valid directory.',
public void setSystemViewPath(string $path)
| ||
$path | string | the root directory of system view files. |
public function setSystemViewPath($path)
if(($this->_systemViewPath=realpath($path))===false || !is_dir($this->_systemViewPath))
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','The system view path "{path}" is not a valid directory.',
public void setTheme(string $value)
| ||
$value | string | the theme name |
public function setTheme($value)
public void setViewPath(string $path)
| ||
$path | string | the root directory of view files. |
public function setViewPath($path)
if(($this->_viewPath=realpath($path))===false || !is_dir($this->_viewPath))
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','The view path "{path}" is not a valid directory.',