包 | zii.widgets |
继承 | class CMenu » CWidget » CBaseController » CComponent |
源自 | 1.1 |
版本 | $Id: CMenu.php 3520 2011-12-29 09:54:22Z mdomba $ |
源码 | framework/zii/widgets/CMenu.php |
The main property of CMenu is items, which specifies the possible items in the menu. A menu item has three main properties: visible, active and items. The "visible" property specifies whether the menu item is currently visible. The "active" property specifies whether the menu item is currently selected. And the "items" property specifies the child menu items.
The following example shows how to use CMenu:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array( 'items'=>array( // Important: you need to specify url as 'controller/action', // not just as 'controller' even if default acion is used. array('label'=>'Home', 'url'=>array('site/index')), // 'Products' menu item will be selected no matter which tag parameter value is since it's not specified. array('label'=>'Products', 'url'=>array('product/index'), 'items'=>array( array('label'=>'New Arrivals', 'url'=>array('product/new', 'tag'=>'new')), array('label'=>'Most Popular', 'url'=>array('product/index', 'tag'=>'popular')), )), array('label'=>'Login', 'url'=>array('site/login'), 'visible'=>Yii::app()->user->isGuest), ), ));
属性 | 类型 | 描述 | 定义在 |
actionPrefix | string | actions的ID的前缀。 当微件在CController::actions中声明了 动作提供者,可以为其动作的ID指定前缀以区别 于别的微件或控制器。当微件用于控制器 的视图中时,必须配置同样的前缀。 | CWidget |
activateItems | boolean | whether to automatically activate items according to whether their route setting matches the currently requested route. | CMenu |
activateParents | boolean | whether to activate parent menu items when one of the corresponding child menu items is active. | CMenu |
activeCssClass | string | the CSS class to be appended to the active menu item. | CMenu |
controller | CController | 返回此微件所属的控制器。 | CWidget |
encodeLabel | boolean | whether the labels for menu items should be HTML-encoded. | CMenu |
firstItemCssClass | string | the CSS class that will be assigned to the first item in the main menu or each submenu. | CMenu |
hideEmptyItems | boolean | whether to hide empty menu items. | CMenu |
htmlOptions | array | HTML attributes for the menu's root container tag | CMenu |
id | string | 返回此微件的ID。如果需要的话,将生产一个新的ID并将其返回。 | CWidget |
itemCssClass | string | the CSS class that will be assigned to every item. | CMenu |
itemTemplate | string | the template used to render an individual menu item. | CMenu |
items | array | list of menu items. | CMenu |
lastItemCssClass | string | the CSS class that will be assigned to the last item in the main menu or each submenu. | CMenu |
linkLabelWrapper | string | the HTML element name that will be used to wrap the label of all menu links. | CMenu |
owner | CBaseController | 返回此微件的所有者或创建者。 | CWidget |
skin | mixed | 微件使用的皮肤的名称。默认为“default”。 如果此属性设置为false,微件将不会有皮肤被使用。 | CWidget |
submenuHtmlOptions | array | HTML attributes for the submenu's container tag. | CMenu |
viewPath | string | 返回包含此微件所需的视图文件的路径。 | CWidget |
方法 | 描述 | 定义在 |
isItemActive() | Checks whether a menu item is active. | CMenu |
normalizeItems() | Normalizes the items property so that the 'active' state is properly identified for every menu item. | CMenu |
renderMenu() | Renders the menu items. | CMenu |
renderMenuItem() | Renders the content of a menu item. | CMenu |
renderMenuRecursive() | Recursively renders the menu items. | CMenu |
whether to automatically activate items according to whether their route setting matches the currently requested route. Defaults to true.
whether to activate parent menu items when one of the corresponding child menu items is active. The activated parent menu items will also have its CSS classes appended with activeCssClass. Defaults to false.
the CSS class to be appended to the active menu item. Defaults to 'active'. If empty, the CSS class of menu items will not be changed.
whether the labels for menu items should be HTML-encoded. Defaults to true.
the CSS class that will be assigned to the first item in the main menu or each submenu. Defaults to null, meaning no such CSS class will be assigned.
whether to hide empty menu items. An empty menu item is one whose 'url' option is not set and which doesn't contain visible child menu items. Defaults to true.
HTML attributes for the menu's root container tag
the CSS class that will be assigned to every item. Defaults to null, meaning no such CSS class will be assigned.
the template used to render an individual menu item. In this template, the token "{menu}" will be replaced with the corresponding menu link or text. If this property is not set, each menu will be rendered without any decoration. This property will be overridden by the 'template' option set in individual menu items via {@items}.
list of menu items. Each menu item is specified as an array of name-value pairs. Possible option names include the following:
- label: string, optional, specifies the menu item label. When encodeLabel is true, the label will be HTML-encoded. If the label is not specified, it defaults to an empty string.
- url: string or array, optional, specifies the URL of the menu item. It is passed to CHtml::normalizeUrl to generate a valid URL. If this is not set, the menu item will be rendered as a span text.
- visible: boolean, optional, whether this menu item is visible. Defaults to true. This can be used to control the visibility of menu items based on user permissions.
- items: array, optional, specifies the sub-menu items. Its format is the same as the parent items.
- active: boolean, optional, whether this menu item is in active state (currently selected). If a menu item is active and activeClass is not empty, its CSS class will be appended with activeClass. If this option is not set, the menu item will be set active automatically when the current request is triggered by url. Note that the GET parameters not specified in the 'url' option will be ignored.
- template: string, optional, the template used to render this menu item. When this option is set, it will override the global setting itemTemplate. Please see itemTemplate for more details. This option has been available since version 1.1.1.
- linkOptions: array, optional, additional HTML attributes to be rendered for the link or span tag of the menu item.
- itemOptions: array, optional, additional HTML attributes to be rendered for the container tag of the menu item.
- submenuOptions: array, optional, additional HTML attributes to be rendered for the container of the submenu if this menu item has one. When this option is set, the submenuHtmlOptions property will be ignored for this particular submenu. This option has been available since version 1.1.6.
the CSS class that will be assigned to the last item in the main menu or each submenu. Defaults to null, meaning no such CSS class will be assigned.
the HTML element name that will be used to wrap the label of all menu links. For example, if this property is set as 'span', a menu item may be rendered as <li><a href="url"><span>label</span></a></li> This is useful when implementing menu items using the sliding window technique. Defaults to null, meaning no wrapper tag will be generated.
HTML attributes for the submenu's container tag.
public void init()
public function init()
Initializes the menu widget. This method mainly normalizes the items property. If this method is overridden, make sure the parent implementation is invoked.
protected boolean isItemActive(array $item, string $route)
| ||
$item | array | the menu item to be checked |
$route | string | the route of the current request |
{return} | boolean | whether the menu item is active |
protected function isItemActive($item,$route)
if(isset($item['url']) && is_array($item['url']) && !strcasecmp(trim($item['url'][0],'/'),$route))
foreach(array_splice($item['url'],1) as $name=>$value)
if(!isset($_GET[$name]) || $_GET[$name]!=$value)
return false;
return true;
return false;
Checks whether a menu item is active. This is done by checking if the currently requested URL is generated by the 'url' option of the menu item. Note that the GET parameters not specified in the 'url' option will be ignored.
protected array normalizeItems(array $items, string $route, boolean &$active)
| ||
$items | array | the items to be normalized. |
$route | string | the route of the current request. |
$active | boolean | whether there is an active child menu item. |
{return} | array | the normalized menu items |
protected function normalizeItems($items,$route,&$active)
foreach($items as $i=>$item)
if(isset($item['visible']) && !$item['visible'])
if(empty($items[$i]['items']) && $this->hideEmptyItems)
if($this->activateParents && $hasActiveChild || $this->activateItems && $this->isItemActive($item,$route))
else if($item['active'])
return array_values($items);
Normalizes the items property so that the 'active' state is properly identified for every menu item.
protected void renderMenu(array $items)
| ||
$items | array | menu items. Each menu item will be an array with at least two elements: 'label' and 'active'. It may have three other optional elements: 'items', 'linkOptions' and 'itemOptions'. |
protected function renderMenu($items)
echo CHtml::openTag('ul',$this->htmlOptions)."\n";
echo CHtml::closeTag('ul');
Renders the menu items.
protected string renderMenuItem(array $item)
| ||
$item | array | the menu item to be rendered. Please see items on what data might be in the item. |
{return} | string |
protected function renderMenuItem($item)
$label=$this->linkLabelWrapper===null ? $item['label'] : '<'.$this->linkLabelWrapper.'>'.$item['label'].'</'.$this->linkLabelWrapper.'>';
return CHtml::link($label,$item['url'],isset($item['linkOptions']) ? $item['linkOptions'] : array());
return CHtml::tag('span',isset($item['linkOptions']) ? $item['linkOptions'] : array(), $item['label']);
Renders the content of a menu item. Note that the container and the sub-menus are not rendered here.
protected void renderMenuRecursive(array $items)
| ||
$items | array | the menu items to be rendered recursively |
protected function renderMenuRecursive($items)
foreach($items as $item)
$options=isset($item['itemOptions']) ? $item['itemOptions'] : array();
if($item['active'] && $this->activeCssClass!='')
if($count===1 && $this->firstItemCssClass!==null)
if($count===$n && $this->lastItemCssClass!==null)
$options['class']=implode(' ',$class);
$options['class'].=' '.implode(' ',$class);
echo CHtml::openTag('li', $options);
if(isset($this->itemTemplate) || isset($item['template']))
$template=isset($item['template']) ? $item['template'] : $this->itemTemplate;
echo strtr($template,array('{menu}'=>$menu));
echo $menu;
if(isset($item['items']) && count($item['items']))
echo "\n".CHtml::openTag('ul',isset($item['submenuOptions']) ? $item['submenuOptions'] : $this->submenuHtmlOptions)."\n";
echo CHtml::closeTag('ul')."\n";
echo CHtml::closeTag('li')."\n";
Recursively renders the menu items.
public void run()
public function run()
Calls renderMenu to render the menu.