包 | system.web |
继承 | class CUrlManager » CApplicationComponent » CComponent |
实现 | IApplicationComponent |
源自 | 1.0 |
版本 | $Id: CUrlManager.php 3515 2011-12-28 12:29:24Z mdomba $ |
源码 | framework/web/CUrlManager.php |
It provides URL construction (createUrl()) as well as parsing (parseUrl()) functionality.
URLs managed via CUrlManager can be in one of the following two formats, by setting urlFormat property:
- 'path' format: /path/to/EntryScript.php/name1/value1/name2/value2...
- 'get' format: /path/to/EntryScript.php?name1=value1&name2;=value2...
When using 'path' format, CUrlManager uses a set of rules to:
- parse the requested URL into a route ('ControllerID/ActionID') and GET parameters;
- create URLs based on the given route and GET parameters.
A rule consists of a route and a pattern. The latter is used by CUrlManager to determine which rule is used for parsing/creating URLs. A pattern is meant to match the path info part of a URL. It may contain named parameters using the syntax '<ParamName:RegExp>'.
When parsing a URL, a matching rule will extract the named parameters from the path info and put them into the $_GET variable; when creating a URL, a matching rule will extract the named parameters from $_GET and put them into the path info part of the created URL.
If a pattern ends with '/*', it means additional GET parameters may be appended to the path info part of the URL; otherwise, the GET parameters can only appear in the query string part.
To specify URL rules, set the rules property as an array of rules (pattern=>route). For example,
array( 'articles'=>'article/list', 'article/<id:\d+>/*'=>'article/read', )Two rules are specified in the above:
- The first rule says that if the user requests the URL '/path/to/index.php/articles', it should be treated as '/path/to/index.php/article/list'; and vice versa applies when constructing such a URL.
- The second rule contains a named parameter 'id' which is specified using the <ParamName:RegExp> syntax. It says that if the user requests the URL '/path/to/index.php/article/13', it should be treated as '/path/to/index.php/article/read?id=13'; and vice versa applies when constructing such a URL.
The route part may contain references to named parameters defined in the pattern part. This allows a rule to be applied to different routes based on matching criteria. For example,
array( '<_c:(post|comment)>/<id:\d+>/<_a:(create|update|delete)>'=>'<_c>/<_a>', '<_c:(post|comment)>/<id:\d+>'=>'<_c>/view', '<_c:(post|comment)>s/*'=>'<_c>/list', )In the above, we use two named parameters '<_c>' and '<_a>' in the route part. The '<_c>' parameter matches either 'post' or 'comment', while the '<_a>' parameter matches an action ID.
Like normal rules, these rules can be used for both parsing and creating URLs. For example, using the rules above, the URL '/index.php/post/123/create' would be parsed as the route 'post/create' with GET parameter 'id' being 123. And given the route 'post/list' and GET parameter 'page' being 2, we should get a URL '/index.php/posts/page/2'.
It is also possible to include hostname into the rules for parsing and creating URLs. One may extract part of the hostname to be a GET parameter. For example, the URL
may be parsed into GET parameters
and lang=en
. On the other hand, rules with hostname may also be used to
create URLs with parameterized hostnames.
In order to use parameterized hostnames, simply declare URL rules with host info, e.g.:
array( 'http://<user:\w+><lang:\w+>/profile' => 'user/profile', )
Starting from version 1.1.8, one can write custom URL rule classes and use them for one or several URL rules. For example,
array( // a standard rule '<action:(login|logout)>' => 'site/<action>', // a custom rule using data in DB array( 'class' => 'application.components.MyUrlRule', 'connectionID' => 'db', ), )Please note that the custom URL rule class should extend from CBaseUrlRule and implement the following two methods,
CUrlManager is a default application component that may be accessed via CWebApplication::getUrlManager().
属性 | 类型 | 描述 | 定义在 |
appendParams | boolean | whether to append GET parameters to the path info part. | CUrlManager |
baseUrl | string | Returns the base URL of the application. | CUrlManager |
behaviors | array | 这个应用组件附加的行为。 这此行为将在应用组件调用init时附加在应用组件上。 请参照CModel::behaviors如何指定此属性值。 | CApplicationComponent |
cacheID | string | the ID of the cache application component that is used to cache the parsed URL rules. | CUrlManager |
caseSensitive | boolean | whether routes are case-sensitive. | CUrlManager |
isInitialized | boolean | 检查应用组件是否已经初始化。 | CApplicationComponent |
matchValue | boolean | whether the GET parameter values should match the corresponding sub-patterns in a rule before using it to create a URL. | CUrlManager |
routeVar | string | the GET variable name for route. | CUrlManager |
rules | array | the URL rules (pattern=>route). | CUrlManager |
showScriptName | boolean | whether to show entry script name in the constructed URL. | CUrlManager |
urlFormat | string | Returns the URL format. | CUrlManager |
urlRuleClass | string | the class name or path alias for the URL rule instances. | CUrlManager |
urlSuffix | string | the URL suffix used when in 'path' format. | CUrlManager |
useStrictParsing | boolean | whether to enable strict URL parsing. | CUrlManager |
方法 | 描述 | 定义在 |
__call() | 如果类中没有调的方法名,则调用这个方法。 | CComponent |
__get() | 返回一个属性值、一个事件处理程序列表或一个行为名称。 | CComponent |
__isset() | 检查一个属性是否为null。 | CComponent |
__set() | 设置一个组件的属性值。 | CComponent |
__unset() | 设置一个组件的属性为null。 | CComponent |
addRules() | Adds new URL rules. | CUrlManager |
asa() | 返回这个名字的行为对象。 | CComponent |
attachBehavior() | 附加一个行为到组件。 | CComponent |
attachBehaviors() | 附加一个行为列表到组件。 | CComponent |
attachEventHandler() | 为事件附加一个事件处理程序。 | CComponent |
canGetProperty() | 确定属性是否可读。 | CComponent |
canSetProperty() | 确定属性是否可写。 | CComponent |
createPathInfo() | Creates a path info based on the given parameters. | CUrlManager |
createUrl() | Constructs a URL. | CUrlManager |
detachBehavior() | 从组件中分离一个行为。 | CComponent |
detachBehaviors() | 从组件中分离所有行为。 | CComponent |
detachEventHandler() | 分离一个存在的事件处理程序。 | CComponent |
disableBehavior() | 禁用一个附加行为。 | CComponent |
disableBehaviors() | 禁用组件附加的所有行为。 | CComponent |
enableBehavior() | 启用一个附加行为。 | CComponent |
enableBehaviors() | 启用组件附加的所有行为。 | CComponent |
evaluateExpression() | 计算一个PHP表达式,或根据组件上下文执行回调。 | CComponent |
getBaseUrl() | Returns the base URL of the application. | CUrlManager |
getEventHandlers() | 返回一个事件的附加处理程序列表。 | CComponent |
getIsInitialized() | 检查应用组件是否已经初始化。 | CApplicationComponent |
getUrlFormat() | Returns the URL format. | CUrlManager |
hasEvent() | 确定一个事件是否定义。 | CComponent |
hasEventHandler() | 检查事件是否有附加的处理程序。 | CComponent |
hasProperty() | 确定属性是否被定义。 | CComponent |
init() | Initializes the application component. | CUrlManager |
parsePathInfo() | Parses a path info into URL segments and saves them to $_GET and $_REQUEST. | CUrlManager |
parseUrl() | Parses the user request. | CUrlManager |
raiseEvent() | 发起一个事件。 | CComponent |
removeUrlSuffix() | Removes the URL suffix from path info. | CUrlManager |
setBaseUrl() | Sets the base URL of the application (the part after host name and before query string). | CUrlManager |
setUrlFormat() | Sets the URL format. | CUrlManager |
方法 | 描述 | 定义在 |
createUrlDefault() | Creates a URL based on default settings. | CUrlManager |
createUrlRule() | Creates a URL rule instance. | CUrlManager |
processRules() | Processes the URL rules. | CUrlManager |
whether to append GET parameters to the path info part. Defaults to true. This property is only effective when urlFormat is 'path' and is mainly used when creating URLs. When it is true, GET parameters will be appended to the path info and separate from each other using slashes. If this is false, GET parameters will be in query part.
Returns the base URL of the application.
the ID of the cache application component that is used to cache the parsed URL rules. Defaults to 'cache' which refers to the primary cache application component. Set this property to false if you want to disable caching URL rules.
whether routes are case-sensitive. Defaults to true. By setting this to false, the route in the incoming request will be turned to lower case first before further processing. As a result, you should follow the convention that you use lower case when specifying controller mapping (CWebApplication::controllerMap) and action mapping (CController::actions). Also, the directory names for organizing controllers should be in lower case.
whether the GET parameter values should match the corresponding sub-patterns in a rule before using it to create a URL. Defaults to false, meaning a rule will be used for creating a URL only if its route and parameter names match the given ones. If this property is set true, then the given parameter values must also match the corresponding parameter sub-patterns. Note that setting this property to true will degrade performance.
the GET variable name for route. Defaults to 'r'.
the URL rules (pattern=>route).
whether to show entry script name in the constructed URL. Defaults to true.
Returns the URL format.
the class name or path alias for the URL rule instances. Defaults to 'CUrlRule'. If you change this to something else, please make sure that the new class must extend from CBaseUrlRule and have the same constructor signature as CUrlRule. It must also be serializable and autoloadable.
the URL suffix used when in 'path' format. For example, ".html" can be used so that the URL looks like pointing to a static HTML page. Defaults to empty.
whether to enable strict URL parsing. This property is only effective when urlFormat is 'path'. If it is set true, then an incoming URL must match one of the URL rules. Otherwise, it will be treated as an invalid request and trigger a 404 HTTP exception. Defaults to false.
public void addRules(array $rules, boolean $append=true)
| ||
$rules | array | new URL rules (pattern=>route). |
$append | boolean | whether the new URL rules should be appended to the existing ones. If false, they will be inserted at the beginning. |
public function addRules($rules, $append=true)
if ($append)
foreach($rules as $pattern=>$route)
foreach($rules as $pattern=>$route)
array_unshift($this->_rules, $this->createUrlRule($route,$pattern));
Adds new URL rules. In order to make the new rules effective, this method must be called BEFORE CWebApplication::processRequest.
public string createPathInfo(array $params, string $equal, string $ampersand, string $key=NULL)
| ||
$params | array | list of GET parameters |
$equal | string | the separator between name and value |
$ampersand | string | the separator between name-value pairs |
$key | string | this is used internally. |
{return} | string | the created path info |
public function createPathInfo($params,$equal,$ampersand, $key=null)
$pairs = array();
foreach($params as $k => $v)
if ($key!==null)
$k = $key.'['.$k.']';
if (is_array($v))
$pairs[]=$this->createPathInfo($v,$equal,$ampersand, $k);
return implode($ampersand,$pairs);
Creates a path info based on the given parameters.
public string createUrl(string $route, array $params=array (
), string $ampersand='&')
| ||
$route | string | the controller and the action (e.g. article/read) |
$params | array | list of GET parameters (name=>value). Both the name and value will be URL-encoded. If the name is '#', the corresponding value will be treated as an anchor and will be appended at the end of the URL. |
$ampersand | string | the token separating name-value pairs in the URL. Defaults to '&'. |
{return} | string | the constructed URL |
public function createUrl($route,$params=array(),$ampersand='&')
foreach($params as $i=>$param)
foreach($this->_rules as $i=>$rule)
return $url==='' ? '/'.$anchor : $url.$anchor;
return $this->getBaseUrl().'/'.$url.$anchor;
return $this->createUrlDefault($route,$params,$ampersand).$anchor;
Constructs a URL.
protected string createUrlDefault(string $route, array $params, string $ampersand)
| ||
$route | string | the controller and the action (e.g. article/read) |
$params | array | list of GET parameters |
$ampersand | string | the token separating name-value pairs in the URL. |
{return} | string | the constructed URL |
protected function createUrlDefault($route,$params,$ampersand)
return $route==='' ? $url : $url.$this->urlSuffix;
return $query==='' ? $url : $url.'?'.$query;
else if(($query=$this->createPathInfo($params,'=',$ampersand))!=='')
return $url;
Creates a URL based on default settings.
protected CUrlRule createUrlRule(mixed $route, string $pattern)
| ||
$route | mixed | the route part of the rule. This could be a string or an array |
$pattern | string | the pattern part of the rule |
{return} | CUrlRule | the URL rule instance |
protected function createUrlRule($route,$pattern)
if(is_array($route) && isset($route['class']))
return $route;
return new $this->urlRuleClass($route,$pattern);
Creates a URL rule instance. The default implementation returns a CUrlRule object.
public string getBaseUrl()
| ||
{return} | string | the base URL of the application (the part after host name and before query string). If showScriptName is true, it will include the script name part. Otherwise, it will not, and the ending slashes are stripped off. |
public function getBaseUrl()
return $this->_baseUrl;
return $this->_baseUrl;
Returns the base URL of the application.
public string getUrlFormat()
| ||
{return} | string | the URL format. Defaults to 'path'. Valid values include 'path' and 'get'. Please refer to the guide for more details about the difference between these two formats. |
public function getUrlFormat()
return $this->_urlFormat;
Returns the URL format.
public void init()
public function init()
Initializes the application component.
public void parsePathInfo(string $pathInfo)
| ||
$pathInfo | string | path info |
public function parsePathInfo($pathInfo)
if($key==='') continue;
if(($pos=strpos($key,'['))!==false && ($m=preg_match_all('/\[(.*?)\]/',$key,$matches))>0)
if(isset($_GET[$name]) && is_array($_GET[$name]))
Parses a path info into URL segments and saves them to $_GET and $_REQUEST.
public string parseUrl(CHttpRequest $request)
| ||
$request | CHttpRequest | the request application component |
{return} | string | the route (controllerID/actionID) and perhaps GET parameters in path format. |
public function parseUrl($request)
foreach($this->_rules as $i=>$rule)
return isset($_GET[$this->routeVar]) ? $_GET[$this->routeVar] : $r;
throw new CHttpException(404,Yii::t('yii','Unable to resolve the request "{route}".',
return $pathInfo;
else if(isset($_GET[$this->routeVar]))
return $_GET[$this->routeVar];
else if(isset($_POST[$this->routeVar]))
return $_POST[$this->routeVar];
return '';
Parses the user request.
protected void processRules()
protected function processRules()
if(empty($this->rules) || $this->getUrlFormat()===self::GET_FORMAT)
if($this->cacheID!==false && ($cache=Yii::app()->getComponent($this->cacheID))!==null)
if(($data=$cache->get(self::CACHE_KEY))!==false && isset($data[1]) && $data[1]===$hash)
foreach($this->rules as $pattern=>$route)
Processes the URL rules.
public string removeUrlSuffix(string $pathInfo, string $urlSuffix)
| ||
$pathInfo | string | path info part in the URL |
$urlSuffix | string | the URL suffix to be removed |
{return} | string | path info with URL suffix removed. |
public function removeUrlSuffix($pathInfo,$urlSuffix)
if($urlSuffix!=='' && substr($pathInfo,-strlen($urlSuffix))===$urlSuffix)
return substr($pathInfo,0,-strlen($urlSuffix));
return $pathInfo;
Removes the URL suffix from path info.
public void setBaseUrl(string $value)
| ||
$value | string | the base URL of the application |
public function setBaseUrl($value)
Sets the base URL of the application (the part after host name and before query string). This method is provided in case the baseUrl cannot be determined automatically. The ending slashes should be stripped off. And you are also responsible to remove the script name if you set showScriptName to be false.
public void setUrlFormat(string $value)
| ||
$value | string | the URL format. It must be either 'path' or 'get'. |
public function setUrlFormat($value)
if($value===self::PATH_FORMAT || $value===self::GET_FORMAT)
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CUrlManager.UrlFormat must be either "path" or "get".'));
Sets the URL format.