Standard C I/O

C/C++ Reference

Standard C I/O

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clearerr clears errors
fclose close a file
feof true if at the end-of-file
ferror checks for a file error
fflush writes the contents of the output buffer
fgetc get a character from a stream
fgetpos get the file position indicator
fgets get a string of characters from a stream
fopen open a file
fprintf print formatted output to a file
fputc write a character to a file
fputs write a string to a file
fread read from a file
freopen open an existing stream with a different name
fscanf read formatted input from a file
fseek move to a specific location in a file
fsetpos move to a specific location in a file
ftell returns the current file position indicator
fwrite write to a file
getc read a character from a file
getchar read a character from stdin
gets read a string from stdin
perror displays a string version of the current error to stderr
printf write formatted output to stdout
putc write a character to a stream
putchar write a character to stdout
puts write a string to stdout
remove erase a file
rename rename a file
rewind move the file position indicator to the beginning of a file
scanf read formatted input from stdin
setbuf set the buffer for a specific stream
setvbuf set the buffer and size for a specific stream
sprintf write formatted output to a buffer
sscanf read formatted input from a buffer
tmpfile return a pointer to a temporary file
tmpnam return a unique filename
ungetc puts a character back into a stream
vprintf, vfprintf, and vsprintf write formatted output with variable argument lists