C/C++ Reference
C/C++ Reference
Table of contents
All C++ Functions
Bitset Constructors (C++ Bitsets) - create new bitsets
Bitset Operators (C++ Bitsets) - compare and assign bitsets
Vector constructors - create vectors and initialize them with some data
Container constructors (C++ Double-ended Queues) - create containers and initialize them with some data
Container constructors (C++ Lists) - create containers and initialize them with some data
Container constructors & destructors (C++ Sets) - default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate containers
Container constructors & destructors (C++ Multisets) - default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate multisets
Map constructors & destructors (C++ Maps) - default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate maps
Multimap constructors & destructors (C++ Multimaps) - default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate containers
Container operators (C++ Lists) - assign and compare containers
Container operators (C++ Sets) - assign and compare containers
Container operators (C++ Multisets) - assign and compare containers
Multimap operators (C++ Multimaps) - assign and compare containers
Vector operators - compare, assign, and access elements of a vector
Container operators (C++ Double-ended Queues) - compare, assign, and access elements of a container
I/O Constructors (C++ I/O) - constructors
Map operators (C++ Maps) - assign, compare, and access elements of a map
Priority queue constructors (C++ Priority Queues) - construct a new priority queue
Queue constructor (C++ Queues) - construct a new queue
Stack constructors (C++ Stacks) - construct a new stack
String constructors (C++ Strings) - create strings from arrays of characters and other strings
String operators (C++ Strings) - concatenate strings, assign strings, use strings for I/O, compare strings
accumulate (C++ Algorithms) - sum up a range of elements
adjacent_difference (C++ Algorithms) - compute the differences between adjacent elements in a range
adjacent_find (C++ Algorithms) - finds two items that are adjacent to eachother
any (C++ Bitsets) - true if any bits are set
append (C++ Strings) - append characters and strings onto a string
assign (C++ Vectors) - assign elements to a container
assign (C++ Double-ended Queues) - assign elements to a container
assign (C++ Lists) - assign elements to a container
assign (C++ Strings) - give a string values from strings of characters and other C++ strings
at (C++ Vectors) - returns an element at a specific location
at (C++ Double-ended Queues) - returns an element at a specific location
at (C++ Strings) - returns an element at a specific location
auto_ptr (Miscellaneous C++) - create pointers that automatically destroy objects
back (C++ Vectors) - returns a reference to last element of a container
back (C++ Double-ended Queues) - returns a reference to last element of a container
back (C++ Lists) - returns a reference to last element of a container
back (C++ Queues) - returns a reference to last element of a container
bad (C++ I/O) - true if an error occurred
begin (C++ Strings) - returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Vectors) - returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Double-ended Queues) - returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Lists) - returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Sets) - returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Multisets) - returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Maps) - returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Multimaps) - returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
binary_search (C++ Algorithms) - determine if an element exists in a certain range
c_str (C++ Strings) - returns a standard C character array version of the string
capacity (C++ Vectors) - returns the number of elements that the container can hold
capacity (C++ Strings) - returns the number of elements that the container can hold
clear (C++ I/O) - clear and set status flags
clear (C++ Strings) - removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Vectors) - removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Double-ended Queues) - removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Lists) - removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Sets) - removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Multisets) - removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Maps) - removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Multimaps) - removes all elements from the container
close (C++ I/O) - close a stream
compare (C++ Strings) - compares two strings
copy (C++ Strings) - copies characters from a string into an array
copy (C++ Algorithms) - copy some range of elements to a new location
copy_backward (C++ Algorithms) - copy a range of elements in backwards order
copy_n (C++ Algorithms) - copy N elements
count (C++ Sets) - returns the number of elements matching a certain key
count (C++ Multisets) - returns the number of elements matching a certain key
count (C++ Maps) - returns the number of elements matching a certain key
count (C++ Multimaps) - returns the number of elements matching a certain key
count (C++ Bitsets) - returns the number of set bits
count (C++ Algorithms) - return the number of elements matching a given value
count_if (C++ Algorithms) - return the number of elements for which a predicate is true
data (C++ Strings) - returns a pointer to the first character of a string
empty (C++ Strings) - true if the container has no elements
empty (C++ Vectors) - true if the container has no elements
empty (C++ Double-ended Queues) - true if the container has no elements
empty (C++ Lists) - true if the container has no elements
empty (C++ Sets) - true if the container has no elements
empty (C++ Multisets) - true if the container has no elements
empty (C++ Maps) - true if the container has no elements
empty (C++ Multimaps) - true if the container has no elements
empty (C++ Stacks) - true if the container has no elements
empty (C++ Queues) - true if the container has no elements
empty (C++ Priority Queues) - true if the container has no elements
end (C++ Strings) - returns an iterator just past the last element of a container
end (C++ Vectors) - returns an iterator just past the last element of a container
end (C++ Double-ended Queues) - returns an iterator just past the last element of a container
end (C++ Lists) - returns an iterator just past the last element of a container
end (C++ Sets) - returns an iterator just past the last element of a container
end (C++ Multisets) - returns an iterator just past the last element of a container
end (C++ Maps) - returns an iterator just past the last element of a container
end (C++ Multimaps) - returns an iterator just past the last element of a container
eof (C++ I/O) - true if at the end-of-file
equal (C++ Algorithms) - determine if two sets of elements are the same
equal_range (C++ Sets) - returns iterators to the first and just past the last elements matching a specific key
equal_range (C++ Multisets) - returns iterators to the first and just past the last elements matching a specific key
equal_range (C++ Maps) - returns iterators to the first and just past the last elements matching a specific key
equal_range (C++ Multimaps) - returns iterators to the first and just past the last elements matching a specific key
equal_range (C++ Algorithms) - search for a range of elements that are all equal to a certain element
erase (C++ Strings) - removes elements from a string
erase (C++ Vectors) - removes elements from a container
erase (C++ Double-ended Queues) - removes elements from a container
erase (C++ Lists) - removes elements from a container
erase (C++ Sets) - removes elements from a container
erase (C++ Multisets) - removes elements from a container
erase (C++ Maps) - removes elements from a container
erase (C++ Multimaps) - removes elements from a container
fail (C++ I/O) - true if an error occurred
fill (C++ I/O) - manipulate the default fill character
fill (C++ Algorithms) - assign a range of elements a certain value
fill_n (C++ Algorithms) - assign a value to some number of elements
find (C++ Algorithms) - find a value in a given range
find (C++ Sets) - returns an iterator to specific elements
find (C++ Multisets) - returns an iterator to specific elements
find (C++ Maps) - returns an iterator to specific elements
find (C++ Multimaps) - returns an iterator to specific elements
find (C++ Strings) - find characters in the string
find_end (C++ Algorithms) - find the last sequence of elements in a certain range
find_first_not_of (C++ Strings) - find first absence of characters
find_first_of (C++ Strings) - find first occurrence of characters
find_first_of (C++ Algorithms) - search for any one of a set of elements
find_if (C++ Algorithms) - find the first element for which a certain predicate is true
find_last_not_of (C++ Strings) - find last absence of characters
find_last_of (C++ Strings) - find last occurrence of characters
flags (C++ I/O) - access or manipulate io stream format flags
flip (C++ Bitsets) - reverses the bitset
flush (C++ I/O) - empty the buffer
for_each (C++ Algorithms) - apply a function to a range of elements
front (C++ Vectors) - returns a reference to the first element of a container
front (C++ Double-ended Queues) - returns a reference to the first element of a container
front (C++ Lists) - returns a reference to the first element of a container
front (C++ Queues) - returns a reference to the first element of a container
gcount (C++ I/O) - number of characters read during last input
generate (C++ Algorithms) - saves the result of a function in a range
generate_n (C++ Algorithms) - saves the result of N applications of a function
get (C++ I/O) - read characters
getline (C++ I/O) - read a line of characters
getline (C++ Strings) - read data from an I/O stream into a string
good (C++ I/O) - true if no errors have occurred
ignore (C++ I/O) - read and discard characters
includes (C++ Algorithms) - returns true if one set is a subset of another
inner_product (C++ Algorithms) - compute the inner product of two ranges of elements
inplace_merge (C++ Algorithms) - merge two ordered ranges in-place
insert (C++ Strings) - insert characters into a string
insert (C++ Vectors) - inserts elements into the container
insert (C++ Double-ended Queues) - inserts elements into the container
insert (C++ Lists) - inserts elements into the container
insert (C++ Sets) - insert items into a container
insert (C++ Multisets) - inserts items into a container
insert (C++ Multimaps) - inserts items into a container
insert (C++ Maps) - insert items into a container
is_heap (C++ Algorithms) - returns true if a given range is a heap
is_sorted (C++ Algorithms) - returns true if a range is sorted in ascending order
iter_swap (C++ Algorithms) - swaps the elements pointed to by two iterators
key_comp (C++ Sets) - returns the function that compares keys
key_comp (C++ Multisets) - returns the function that compares keys
key_comp (C++ Maps) - returns the function that compares keys
key_comp (C++ Multimaps) - returns the function that compares keys
length (C++ Strings) - returns the length of the string
lexicographical_compare (C++ Algorithms) - returns true if one range is lexicographically less than another
lexicographical_compare_3way (C++ Algorithms) - determines if one range is lexicographically less than or greater than another
lower_bound (C++ Sets) - returns an iterator to the first element greater than or equal to a certain value
lower_bound (C++ Multisets) - returns an iterator to the first element greater than or equal to a certain value
lower_bound (C++ Maps) - returns an iterator to the first element greater than or equal to a certain value
lower_bound (C++ Multimaps) - returns an iterator to the first element greater than or equal to a certain value
lower_bound (C++ Algorithms) - search for the first place that a value can be inserted while preserving order
make_heap (C++ Algorithms) - creates a heap out of a range of elements
max (C++ Algorithms) - returns the larger of two elements
max_element (C++ Algorithms) - returns the largest element in a range
max_size (C++ Strings) - returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold
max_size (C++ Vectors) - returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold
max_size (C++ Double-ended Queues) - returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold
max_size (C++ Lists) - returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold
max_size (C++ Sets) - returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold
max_size (C++ Multisets) - returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold
max_size (C++ Maps) - returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold
max_size (C++ Multimaps) - returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold
merge (C++ Lists) - merge two lists
merge (C++ Algorithms) - merge two sorted ranges
min (C++ Algorithms) - returns the smaller of two elements
min_element (C++ Algorithms) - returns the smallest element in a range
mismatch (C++ Algorithms) - finds the first position where two ranges differ
next_permutation (C++ Algorithms) - generates the next greater lexicographic permutation of a range of elements
none (C++ Bitsets) - true if no bits are set
nth_element (C++ Algorithms) - put one element in its sorted location and make sure that no elements to its left are greater than any elements to its right
open (C++ I/O) - create an input stream
partial_sort (C++ Algorithms) - sort the first N elements of a range
partial_sort_copy (C++ Algorithms) - copy and partially sort a range of elements
partial_sum (C++ Algorithms) - compute the partial sum of a range of elements
partition (C++ Algorithms) - divide a range of elements into two groups
peek (C++ I/O) - check the next input character
pop (C++ Stacks) - removes the top element of a container
pop (C++ Queues) - removes the top element of a container
pop (C++ Priority Queues) - removes the top element of a container
pop_back (C++ Vectors) - removes the last element of a container
pop_back (C++ Double-ended Queues) - removes the last element of a container
pop_back (C++ Lists) - removes the last element of a container
pop_front (C++ Double-ended Queues) - removes the first element of the container
pop_front (C++ Lists) - removes the first element of the container
pop_heap (C++ Algorithms) - remove the largest element from a heap
precision (C++ I/O) - manipulate the precision of a stream
prev_permutation (C++ Algorithms) - generates the next smaller lexicographic permutation of a range of elements
push (C++ Stacks) - adds an element to the top of the container
push (C++ Queues) - adds an element to the end of the container
push (C++ Priority Queues) - adds an element to the end of the container
push_back (C++ Vectors) - add an element to the end of the container
push_back (C++ Double-ended Queues) - add an element to the end of the container
push_back (C++ Lists) - add an element to the end of the container
push_back (C++ Strings) - add an element to the end of the container
push_front (C++ Double-ended Queues) - add an element to the front of the container
push_front (C++ Lists) - add an element to the front of the container
push_heap (C++ Algorithms) - add an element to a heap
put (C++ I/O) - write characters
putback (C++ I/O) - return characters to a stream
random_sample (C++ Algorithms) - randomly copy elements from one range to another
random_sample_n (C++ Algorithms) - sample N random elements from a range
random_shuffle (C++ Algorithms) - randomly re-order elements in some range
rbegin (C++ Vectors) - returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container
rbegin (C++ Strings) - returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container
rbegin (C++ Double-ended Queues) - returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container
rbegin (C++ Lists) - returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container
rbegin (C++ Sets) - returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container
rbegin (C++ Multisets) - returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container
rbegin (C++ Maps) - returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container
rbegin (C++ Multimaps) - returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container
rdstate (C++ I/O) - returns the state flags of the stream
read (C++ I/O) - read data into a buffer
remove (C++ Lists) - removes elements from a list
remove (C++ Algorithms) - remove elements equal to certain value
remove_copy (C++ Algorithms) - copy a range of elements omitting those that match a certian value
remove_copy_if (C++ Algorithms) - create a copy of a range of elements, omitting any for which a predicate is true
remove_if (C++ Lists) - removes elements conditionally
remove_if (C++ Algorithms) - remove all elements for which a predicate is true
rend (C++ Vectors) - returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container
rend (C++ Strings) - returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container
rend (C++ Double-ended Queues) - returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container
rend (C++ Lists) - returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container
rend (C++ Sets) - returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container
rend (C++ Multisets) - returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container
rend (C++ Maps) - returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container
rend (C++ Multimaps) - returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container
replace (C++ Strings) - replace characters in the string
replace (C++ Algorithms) - replace every occurrence of some value in a range with another value
replace_copy (C++ Algorithms) - copy a range, replacing certain elements with new ones
replace_copy_if (C++ Algorithms) - copy a range of elements, replacing those for which a predicate is true
replace_if (C++ Algorithms) - change the values of elements for which a predicate is true
reserve (C++ Vectors) - sets the minimum capacity of the container
reserve (C++ Strings) - sets the minimum capacity of the container
reset (C++ Bitsets) - sets bits to zero
resize (C++ Vectors) - change the size of the container
resize (C++ Double-ended Queues) - change the size of the container
resize (C++ Lists) - change the size of the container
resize (C++ Strings) - change the size of the container
reverse (C++ Lists) - reverse the list
reverse (C++ Algorithms) - reverse elements in some range
reverse_copy (C++ Algorithms) - create a copy of a range that is reversed
rfind (C++ Strings) - find the last occurrence of a substring
rotate (C++ Algorithms) - move the elements in some range to the left by some amount
rotate_copy (C++ Algorithms) - copy and rotate a range of elements
search (C++ Algorithms) - search for a range of elements
search_n (C++ Algorithms) - search for N consecutive copies of an element in some range
seekg (C++ I/O) - perform random access on an input stream
seekp (C++ I/O) - perform random access on output streams
set (C++ Bitsets) - sets bits
set_difference (C++ Algorithms) - computes the difference between two sets
set_intersection (C++ Algorithms) - computes the intersection of two sets
set_symmetric_difference (C++ Algorithms) - computes the symmetric difference between two sets
set_union (C++ Algorithms) - computes the union of two sets
setf (C++ I/O) - set format flags
size (C++ Strings) - returns the number of items in the container
size (C++ Vectors) - returns the number of items in the container
size (C++ Double-ended Queues) - returns the number of items in the container
size (C++ Lists) - returns the number of items in the container
size (C++ Sets) - returns the number of items in the container
size (C++ Multisets) - returns the number of items in the container
size (C++ Maps) - returns the number of items in the container
size (C++ Multimaps) - returns the number of items in the container
size (C++ Stacks) - returns the number of items in the container
size (C++ Queues) - returns the number of items in the container
size (C++ Priority Queues) - returns the number of items in the container
size (C++ Bitsets) - number of bits that the bitset can hold
sort (C++ Lists) - sorts a list into ascending order
sort (C++ Algorithms) - sort a range into ascending order
sort_heap (C++ Algorithms) - turns a heap into a sorted range of elements
splice (C++ Lists) - merge two lists in constant time
stable_partition (C++ Algorithms) - divide elements into two groups while preserving their relative order
stable_sort (C++ Algorithms) - sort a range of elements while preserving order between equal elements
substr (C++ Strings) - returns a certain substring
swap (C++ Strings) - swap the contents of this container with another
swap (C++ Vectors) - swap the contents of this container with another
swap (C++ Double-ended Queues) - swap the contents of this container with another
swap (C++ Lists) - swap the contents of this container with another
swap (C++ Sets) - swap the contents of this container with another
swap (C++ Multisets) - swap the contents of this container with another
swap (C++ Maps) - swap the contents of this container with another
swap (C++ Multimaps) - swap the contents of this container with another
swap (C++ Algorithms) - swap the values of two objects
swap_ranges (C++ Algorithms) - swaps two ranges of elements
sync_with_stdio (C++ I/O) - synchronize with standard I/O
tellg (C++ I/O) - read input stream pointers
tellp (C++ I/O) - read output stream pointers
test (C++ Bitsets) - returns the value of a given bit
to_string (C++ Bitsets) - string representation of the bitset
to_ulong (C++ Bitsets) - returns an integer representation of the bitset
top (C++ Stacks) - returns the top element of the container
top (C++ Priority Queues) - returns the top element of the container
transform (C++ Algorithms) - applies a function to a range of elements
unique (C++ Lists) - removes consecutive duplicate elements
unique (C++ Algorithms) - remove consecutive duplicate elements in a range
unique_copy (C++ Algorithms) - create a copy of some range of elements that contains no consecutive duplicates
unsetf (C++ I/O) - clear io stream format flags
upper_bound (C++ Sets) - returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value
upper_bound (C++ Multisets) - returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value
upper_bound (C++ Maps) - returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value
upper_bound (C++ Multimaps) - returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value
upper_bound (C++ Algorithms) - searches for the last possible location to insert an element into an ordered range
value_comp (C++ Sets) - returns the function that compares values
value_comp (C++ Multisets) - returns the function that compares values
value_comp (C++ Maps) - returns the function that compares values
value_comp (C++ Multimaps) - returns the function that compares values
width (C++ I/O) - access and manipulate the minimum field width
write (C++ I/O) - write characters
All C Functions
#, ## - manipulate strings
#define - define variables
#error - display an error message
#if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #elif, #endif - conditional operators
#include - insert the contents of another file
#line - set line and file information
#pragma - implementation specific command
#undef - used to undefine variables
Predefined preprocessor variables - miscellaneous preprocessor variables
abort - stops the program
abs - absolute value
acos - arc cosine
asctime - a textual version of the time
asin - arc sine
assert - stops the program if an expression isn't true
atan - arc tangent
atan2 - arc tangent, using signs to determine quadrants
atexit - sets a function to be called when the program exits
atof - converts a string to a double
atoi - converts a string to an integer
atol - converts a string to a long
bsearch - perform a binary search
calloc - allocates and clears a two-dimensional chunk of memory
ceil - the smallest integer not less than a certain value
clearerr - clears errors
clock - returns the amount of time that the program has been running
cos - cosine
cosh - hyperbolic cosine
ctime - returns a specifically formatted version of the time
difftime - the difference between two times
div - returns the quotient and remainder of a division
exit - stop the program
exp - returns "e" raised to a given power
fabs - absolute value for floating-point numbers
fclose - close a file
feof - true if at the end-of-file
ferror - checks for a file error
fflush - writes the contents of the output buffer
fgetc - get a character from a stream
fgetpos - get the file position indicator
fgets - get a string of characters from a stream
floor - returns the largest integer not greater than a given value
fmod - returns the remainder of a division
fopen - open a file
fprintf - print formatted output to a file
fputc - write a character to a file
fputs - write a string to a file
fread - read from a file
free - returns previously allocated memory to the operating system
freopen - open an existing stream with a different name
frexp - decomposes a number into scientific notation
fscanf - read formatted input from a file
fseek - move to a specific location in a file
fsetpos - move to a specific location in a file
ftell - returns the current file position indicator
fwrite - write to a file
getc - read a character from a file
getchar - read a character from STDIN
getenv - get enviornment information about a variable
gets - read a string from STDIN
gmtime - returns a pointer to the current Greenwich Mean Time
isalnum - true if a character is alphanumeric
isalpha - true if a character is alphabetic
iscntrl - true if a character is a control character
isdigit - true if a character is a digit
isgraph - true if a character is a graphical character
islower - true if a character is lowercase
isprint - true if a character is a printing character
ispunct - true if a character is punctuation
isspace - true if a character is a space character
isupper - true if a character is an uppercase character
isxdigit - true if a character is a hexidecimal character
labs - absolute value for long integers
ldexp - computes a number in scientific notation
ldiv - returns the quotient and remainder of a division, in long integer form
localtime - returns a pointer to the current time
log - natural logarithm
log10 - natural logarithm, in base 10
longjmp - start execution at a certain point in the program
malloc - allocates memory
memchr - searches an array for the first occurance of a character
memcmp - compares two buffers
memcpy - copies one buffer to another
memmove - moves one buffer to another
memset - fills a buffer with a character
mktime - returns the calendar version of a given time
modf - decomposes a number into integer and fractional parts
perror - displays a string version of the current error to STDERR
pow - returns a given number raised to another number
printf - write formatted output to STDOUT
putc - write a character to a stream
putchar - write a character to STDOUT
puts - write a string to STDOUT
qsort - perform a quicksort
raise - send a signal to the program
rand - returns a pseudorandom number
realloc - changes the size of previously allocated memory
remove - erase a file
rename - rename a file
rewind - move the file position indicator to the beginning of a file
scanf - read formatted input from STDIN
setbuf - set the buffer for a specific stream
setjmp - set execution to start at a certain point
setlocale - sets the current locale
setvbuf - set the buffer and size for a specific stream
signal - register a function as a signal handler
sin - sine
sinh - hyperbolic sine
sprintf - write formatted output to a buffer
sqrt - square root
srand - initialize the random number generator
sscanf - read formatted input from a buffer
strcat - concatenates two strings
strchr - finds the first occurance of a character in a string
strcmp - compares two strings
strcoll - compares two strings in accordance to the current locale
strcpy - copies one string to another
strcspn - searches one string for any characters in another
strerror - returns a text version of a given error code
strftime - returns individual elements of the date and time
strlen - returns the length of a given string
strncat - concatenates a certain amount of characters of two strings
strncmp - compares a certain amount of characters of two strings
strncpy - copies a certain amount of characters from one string to another
strpbrk - finds the first location of any character in one string, in another string
strrchr - finds the last occurance of a character in a string
strspn - returns the length of a substring of characters of a string
strstr - finds the first occurance of a substring of characters
strtod - converts a string to a double
strtok - finds the next token in a string
strtol - converts a string to a long
strtoul - converts a string to an unsigned long
strxfrm - converts a substring so that it can be used by string comparison functions
system - perform a system call
tan - tangent
tanh - hyperbolic tangent
time - returns the current calendar time of the system
tmpfile - return a pointer to a temporary file
tmpnam - return a unique filename
tolower - converts a character to lowercase
toupper - converts a character to uppercase
ungetc - puts a character back into a stream
va_arg - use variable length parameter lists
vprintf, vfprintf, and vsprintf - write formatted output with variable argument lists
C++ Algorithms
C++ Bitsets
C++ Double-ended Queues
C++ I/O
C++ Lists
C++ Maps
Miscellaneous C++
C++ Multimaps
C++ Multisets
C++ Priority Queues
C++ Queues
C++ Sets
C++ String Streams
C++ Stacks
C++ Strings
C++ Vectors
C/C++ Keywords
C/C++ Pre-processor Commands
Standard C Date & Time
Standard C I/O
Standard C Math
Standard C Memory
Other Standard C Functions
Standard C String and Character