BlueNRG-MS pack for STM32CubeMX: tHciIO Struct Reference


BlueNRG-MS pack for STM32CubeMX  V4.4.0
The BlueNRG-MS pack is an additional software for STM32CubeMX.

Structure used to manage the BUS IO operations. All the structure fields will point to functions defined at user level. More...

#include <hci_tl.h>

Data Fields

int32_t(* Init )(void *pConf)
int32_t(* DeInit )(void)
int32_t(* Reset )(void)
int32_t(* Receive )(uint8_t *, uint16_t)
int32_t(* Send )(uint8_t *, uint16_t)
int32_t(* DataAck )(uint8_t *, uint16_t *len)
int32_t(* GetTick )(void)

Detailed Description

Structure used to manage the BUS IO operations. All the structure fields will point to functions defined at user level.

Field Documentation

◆ DataAck

int32_t(* DataAck)(uint8_t *, uint16_t *len)

Pointer to HCI TL function for the IO Bus data ack reception

◆ DeInit

int32_t(* DeInit)(void)

Pointer to HCI TL function for the IO Bus de-initialization

◆ GetTick

int32_t(* GetTick)(void)

Pointer to BSP function for getting the HAL time base timestamp

◆ Init

int32_t(* Init)(void *pConf)

Pointer to HCI TL function for the IO Bus initialization

◆ Receive

int32_t(* Receive)(uint8_t *, uint16_t)

Pointer to HCI TL function for the IO Bus data reception

◆ Reset

int32_t(* Reset)(void)

Pointer to HCI TL function for the IO Bus reset

◆ Send

int32_t(* Send)(uint8_t *, uint16_t)

Pointer to HCI TL function for the IO Bus data transmission

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:
Generated on Mon Apr 15 2019 18:10:40 for BlueNRG-MS pack for STM32CubeMX by   doxygen 1.8.13