BlueNRG-MS pack for STM32CubeMX
The BlueNRG-MS pack is an additional software for STM32CubeMX.
Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- m -
- manufacturer_name : _read_local_version_rp
- map : _le_read_channel_map_rp , _le_set_host_channel_classification_cp
- mask : _le_set_event_mask_cp
- master_clock_accuracy : _evt_le_connection_complete
- master_sca : IFR_config2_TypeDef
- max_ce_length : _l2cap_conn_param_update_resp_cp_IDB05A1 , _le_connection_update_cp , _le_create_connection_cp
- max_conn_length : _gap_create_connection_cp , _gap_start_connection_update_cp , _gap_start_name_discovery_proc_cp
- max_interval : _le_connection_update_cp , _le_create_connection_cp , _le_set_adv_parameters_cp
- max_pkt : _le_read_buffer_size_rp
- min_ce_length : _l2cap_conn_param_update_resp_cp_IDB05A1 , _le_connection_update_cp , _le_create_connection_cp
- min_conn_length : _gap_create_connection_cp , _gap_start_connection_update_cp , _gap_start_name_discovery_proc_cp
- min_interval : _le_connection_update_cp , _le_create_connection_cp , _le_set_adv_parameters_cp
- mitm_protection : _gap_get_security_level_rp , _gap_slave_security_request_cp
- month : IFR_config2_TypeDef
Generated on Mon Apr 15 2019 18:10:40 for BlueNRG-MS pack for STM32CubeMX by 1.8.13