ApplicationUserManager Properties |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
The ApplicationUserManager type exposes the following members.
| Name | Description |
 | ClaimsIdentityFactory | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | EmailService | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | PasswordHasher | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | PasswordValidator | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SmsService | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | Store | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SupportsQueryableUsers | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SupportsUserClaim | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SupportsUserEmail | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SupportsUserLockout | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SupportsUserLogin | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SupportsUserPassword | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SupportsUserPhoneNumber | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SupportsUserRole | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SupportsUserSecurityStamp | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SupportsUserTwoFactor | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | TwoFactorProviders | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | UserLockoutEnabledByDefault | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | Users | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | UserTokenProvider | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | UserValidator | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
See Also