| Name | Description |
 | AccessFailedAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | AddClaimAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | AddLoginAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | AddPasswordAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | AddToRoleAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | AddToRolesAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | ChangePasswordAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | ChangePhoneNumberAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | CheckPasswordAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | ConfirmEmailAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
  | Create | |
 | CreateAsync(UTP) | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | CreateAsync(UTP, String) | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | CreateIdentityAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | DeleteAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | Dispose | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | Dispose(Boolean) | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | FindAsync(UserLoginInfo) | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | FindAsync(String, String) | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | FindByEmailAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | FindByIdAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | FindByNameAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GenerateChangePhoneNumberTokenAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GenerateTwoFactorTokenAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GenerateUserTokenAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GetAccessFailedCountAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GetClaimsAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GetEmailAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetLockoutEnabledAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GetLockoutEndDateAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GetLoginsAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GetPhoneNumberAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GetRolesAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GetSecurityStampAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GetTwoFactorEnabledAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetValidTwoFactorProvidersAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | HasPasswordAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | IsEmailConfirmedAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | IsInRoleAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | IsLockedOutAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | IsPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | NotifyTwoFactorTokenAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | RegisterTwoFactorProvider | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | RemoveClaimAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | RemoveFromRoleAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | RemoveFromRolesAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | RemoveLoginAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | RemovePasswordAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | ResetAccessFailedCountAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | ResetPasswordAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SendEmailAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SendSmsAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SetEmailAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SetLockoutEnabledAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SetLockoutEndDateAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SetPhoneNumberAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | SetTwoFactorEnabledAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | UpdateAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | UpdatePassword | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | UpdateSecurityStampAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | VerifyChangePhoneNumberTokenAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | VerifyPasswordAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | VerifyTwoFactorTokenAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |
 | VerifyUserTokenAsync | (Inherited from UserManagerApplicationUser, String.) |