MvcApplication Properties


MvcApplication Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The MvcApplication type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplication
Gets the current state of an application.
(Inherited from HttpApplication.)
Public propertyContext
Gets HTTP-specific information about the current request.
(Inherited from HttpApplication.)
Protected propertyEvents
Gets the list of event handler delegates that process all application events.
(Inherited from HttpApplication.)
Public propertyModules
Gets the collection of modules for the current application.
(Inherited from HttpApplication.)
Public propertyRequest
Gets the intrinsic request object for the current request.
(Inherited from HttpApplication.)
Public propertyResponse
Gets the intrinsic response object for the current request.
(Inherited from HttpApplication.)
Public propertyServer
Gets the intrinsic server object for the current request.
(Inherited from HttpApplication.)
Public propertySession
Gets the intrinsic session object that provides access to session data.
(Inherited from HttpApplication.)
Public propertySite
Gets or sets a site interface for an IComponent implementation.
(Inherited from HttpApplication.)
Public propertyUser
Gets the intrinsic user object for the current request.
(Inherited from HttpApplication.)
See Also