
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Lists information about a tracing model element.

(tpm_traceelemget trace_id elem_id)

Returns an information list or nil.

trace_id Tracing model ID (real) returned by tpm_tracealloc
elem_id Trace element ID (real)

The list format depends on the element type. For each a-list, the first component is an integer code for the information type, and the second is the information.

List Format for Nodes
(-1 . elem_code) Element type code (integer). With node lists, always 1, meaning node element.
(40 . resistance) Node resistance (real).
List Format for Links
(-1 . elem_code) Element type code (integer). With link lists, always 2, meaning link element.
( 1 . topo_id) Topology ID of start node (real).
( 2 . topo_id) Topology ID of end node (real).
(40 . fwd_resist) Forward resistance (real).
(41 . rev_resist) Reverse resistance (real).
(70 . link_dir) Link direction (integer): -1, 0, or 1.
-1 = Reverse
 0 = Bidirectional
 1 = Forward