
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Gets the configuration values of a topology.

(tpm_infobuildvar tpm_id var_id)

Returns T or nil.

tpm_id Topology ID (real)
var_id Topology variables ID (real)

The topology variables ID references a set of topology variables in which to store the values that this function gets.

If no topology variables are allocated, call tpm_varalloc to allocate a set of them and return their ID.

To read the values that this function gets, use tpm_varget or tpm_varlist. To build a new topology using these variables, use tpm_mntbuild.

The following code opens a topology, reads its configuration values, and gets its node layer.

(setq tpm_id (tpm_acopen "SampleTopo"))
(setq var_id (tpm_varalloc))
(tpm_infobuildvar tpm_id var_id)
(tpm_acclose tpm_id)
(setq nlayer (tpm_varget var_id "NODE_LAYER"))