
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Initializes the cleanup model.

(tpm_cleaninit clean_id var_id ss)

Returns T or nil.

clean_id Cleanup model ID (real) returned by tpm_cleanalloc
var_id Cleanup variables ID (real) returned by tpm_varalloc
ss Selection set or nil (see note below about INCLUDEOBJS_AUTOSELECT)

You can free the selection set after the cleanup model has been initialized.

The function reads the cleanup settings and the selected entities into the cleanup model.

If the cleanup variable INCLUDEOBJS_AUTOSELECT is set to 1 (select all), all entities in the drawing will be included, regardless of the ss argument, in which case this argument can be nil instead of a selection set, as the following code sample illustrates.

(setq clean_id (tpm_cleanalloc))
(setq var_id (tpm_varalloc))
(tpm_varset var_id "INCLUDEOBJS_AUTOSELECT" 1)
(setq ssInclude nil)
(tpm_cleaninit clean_id var_id ssInclude)

If the cleanup variable INCLUDEOBJS_LAYERS is set to "*" (all layers), all ss entities will be included. If it contains a list of layers, ss entities will be included only if they reside on those layers.

The cleanup variables ID references a set of cleanup variables.