
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Determines the subtype of the current group.

(tpm_cleangroupsubtype clean_id)

Returns a subtype code or nil.

clean_id Model ID (real) returned by tpm_cleanalloc
Subtype Codes
1 Degenerate entities (subtype of Erase Short Objects)
2 Short entities (subtype of Erase Short Objects)
3 Short segments (subtype of Erase Short Objects)
4 Vertex is near to segment (subtype of Extend Undershoots)
5 Vertex is near to vertex (subtype of Extend Undershoots)

Codes 1 through 3 are subtypes of the short type. Codes 4 and 5 are subtypes of the undershoot type. This function is useful for short and undershoot errors only.

Degenerate Entities  A degenerate polyline has only one vertex. This invalid vertex type sometimes results from the drawing cleanup process, and can be removed by further drawing cleanup.