
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Checks whether a topology is correct.

(map_topoaudit tpm_id)

Returns T or nil.

tpm_id Unique ID for a topology (real). Topology must be open for Read

The function audits the geometry of a topology to determine whether the geometrical relationships defined by the topology object data are correct. It shows the location of errors.

The following example checks a topology named "parcels" and provides error reporting.

(setq tpm_id (tpm_acopen "parcels"))
(if tpm_id (progn 
    (setq result (map_topoAudit tpm_id))
    (tpm_acclose tpm_id)

(if (null result) (progn 
    (setq i 0 nberr (ade_errqty))
    (repeat nberr 
          (strcat "\nError " (rtos i 2 0) " of " (rtos nberr 2 0) " : " (ade_errmsg i))
       (setq i (1+ i))