
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Appends the current plot set definition to the plot set list .


Returns T or nil.

This function appends the current plot set definition to the plot set list of the current work session. This list is not saved in the work session until the user executes a save with a call to map_pltdefsave.

To edit and save a plot set definition

  1. Get the plot set definition with map_pltdefread and map_pltcurrdef.
  2. Make the necessary changes.
  3. Save the definition in the list with map_pltcurrsave.
  4. Save the list in the current work session with map_pltdefsave.
  5. Save the work session.

If you do not save before the end of the processing, another application can overwrite your changes with a call to map_pltcurrdef.