
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Sets the access rights for a user.

(ade_usersetrights username userrights)

Returns T on success, otherwise nil.

username Login name (string)
userrights A bit code for the rights to allow. See the User Rights Codes table below.
User Rights Codes
CodeUser Rights
 1 Superuser (in which case the other bits don't matter).
 2 Permission to alter the drawing set.
 4 Permission to edit objects.
 8 Permission to execute a draw query.
16 Permission to edit Feature Class definition.

This function cannot execute unless the current user has superuser rights, and it cannot change the rights of the current user in any case. If an ordinary user is logged in when this function is called, or a superuser is logged in and the function call would change the rights of the current user, the function returns nil, and the following message is added to the error message stack:

Can't change rights of the current user.