
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Saves objects queued for saving back to the source drawings.

(ade_saveobjs priorities)

Returns T or nil.

priorities List containing one to four save back operation codes, depending on the number of save back operations you are specifying (integer). List the codes in order of their relative priority. See the Save-Back Operation Codes table below.
Save-Back Operation Codes
1 Came From Saves objects to their source drawings
2 Selective Saves objects you select to the drawings you specify
3 Layer Saves objects to layers in the source drawings that use the same names as those in which the objects lie
4 Area Saves objects to the source drawing within whose extents they lie, even if only partially within

During the save back operation, the options are executed in the order specified in the priorities list. The list must contain at least one option. For example:

(ade_saveobjs 2 1 4 3)

To save a selection set to a specific drawing, use ade_savetodwg.